Wednesday, April 29, 2015


The activities and the passing of my Hubby's brother last week

Has brought again to my mind

How important family is.

I miss my own Dad a lot.

This photo of my oldest son and my Dad is one of my favorites.

This gave my Dad the greatest pleasure.....

Playing with his Grandson.

Can't you just hear the giggles and laughter?

I love posting for Throwback Thursday

And enjoying the memories.

Photo taken in early 1973.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful picture, full of joy! A good memory.

Wanda said...

I don't know who took the picture...but they captured the moment....a moment in time that will go on blessing your heart.

The verify number was 220...that's a memories as that was the address of the home I grew up in for 18 years. 220 N. Soderquist, Turlock, CA

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this photo captured a priceless memory. i really love it.. they look so happy

Ann said...

A moment in time frozen--that's why I love candid pictures so much.

Shammickite said...

Lovely picture, reminds me of all the fun I have every day with my own grandchildren. And also makes me a little sad as I only had one grandpa and he lived far away from me. I don't remember him very well.