Thursday, March 05, 2015


This is my contribution for THROWBACK THURSDAY.

My Grandpa was a professional photographer.

He often used his kids to test his equipment.

This photograph is of my Dad and his sister.

I believe my Dad was 6 or 7 in this shot.

That would make the time about 1912.

Please enlarge the photo to see the detail.

I noticed that the name on the side of the cart says Studebaker.

Quite fancy transportation, I think.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a super great photo to be taken so long ago. i have seen goats pull carts but not a sheep. a little time travel just looking at this one.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a truly amazing picture, and still looking so good after so many years! Love the sheep pulling the cart!

Wanda said...

What an amazing treasure. I just love enlarging it and looking at the details.

My mother was born in 1912.

My first car was a 51 Steudebaker. Didn't look like that one..haha.

Shammickite said...

What a terrific picture. A lovely memory of how times used to be. I think the Studebaker museum (if there is one) might be interested in this photo!

LC said...

How wonderful that you have this photo.