Friday, March 13, 2015


When I say a trip to the city, I mean a trip to "The City".

San Francisco!

My Hubby and I just spent 2 great days in the City By the Bay.

Of course we had to visit our beloved Golden Gate Bridge and Fort Point.

The ocean was so glassy and calm.

No fog either.......

If you look in the lower right hand corner of the photo you will see the sea gull Photo Bomb!

We attended the annual Disney shareholders meeting.

It was held at the Palace of Fine Arts.

This magnificent area is home to the 1915 Pan Pacific International Exposition.

All the amazing structures housed the celebration of the completion of the Panama Canal and the restoration of San Francisco from the 1906 earthquake.

There are only a handful of the buildings remaining but the architecture is truly amazing.

There is so much detail and fine workmanship.

I will show a few more photos over the next few days.

Be sure to ENLARGE the photos to really see the detail.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the details in all the photos are so sharp and clear and beautiful. and as many times as i have seen that bridge, i did not know there was a building under it. my first viewing of that
hope you sun shines and you can get out and get MadSnapper Happy with your camera

Shammickite said...

Oh lucky you, SF is a place I'd dearly love to visit. One day, perhaps.

Wanda said...

Amazing details... What an eye you have for unique pictures.

My little Cannon Power Shot is falling apart. Tape and more tape and it's amazing it still takes picture. For how long....I'm not sure.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That building is wonderful, I hope they keep it in decent repair. The color of the water is so pretty, like seafoam.

Anonymous said...

It has been some time since I've went into the city. Always thinking how the BIG ONE might hit just as I was on the wrong side of the bridge. Just this week they are now saying there is a 72% of a 6.7 or greater quake in the next 30 years. I think I'll stay in the North Bay side.

LC said...

SF is one of our favorite cities to visit but we have only been there once since my stroke. i am still holding out hope for a West Coast visit and a Black Bear Diner meet up! In the meantime I will be catching up via your enjoyable, enlightening and inspiring posts.

Unknown said...

I love that you could go on such a glorious adventure! I am thankful for the many things you and your husband are able to do together. What a beautiful blessing!