Sunday, February 22, 2015


I haven't been out on a photo shoot for quite a while.

So it's back to the archives I go.

I really love this shot taken in 2010 on a very chilly, dampish October day.

The setting really didn't look real.

Hope everyone has a great week ahead.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The reflections are marvelous!

Hilary said...

Very pretty, Sue. Sharp reflection in the water.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful and peaceful.. my favorite part of the photo is the trees standing on the rock island on the right side of the photo.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is a great scene. I enlarged it to enjoy the beauty all the more.

Amazing wonders in my life said...

I thought its a wallpaper.... Wonderful shot!!!

Shammickite said...

Nice shot. I love the muted colours. Almost time for the nice weather to arrive and then we will all be able to got outside and excercise our camera fingers again!

kc bob said...

Love the stillness of the water Sue.

Wanda said...

Sue your eye to find something beautiful and magical where some of us would walk on by.

Love your sense of are an artist!