Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The last time my Christmas Cactus bloomed I had one blossom.

This year there are over 30 beautiful flowers.

I have never had it do its thing like this before.

I guess I finally found the right spot for it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is gorgeous!! And abundant. So did this happen because you moved it, and it was finally the right place?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did find the right spot. lots of light and no direct sunlight. this is beautiful. we don't have the red, just the dark pink, light pink and white... yours is the perfect color for Christmas

Kate said...

These are beautiful blooms in blossom, but not always easy to care for. I have a small plant this year that is blooming but the two larger ones are very very green. Yours looks lovely!!

Hilary said...

Wow.. that's beautiful, Sue. Such profuse blossoms. And just on time as it should be.

Anonymous said...

Ours is doing the same this year - going like gangbusters.

Catherine said...

So pretty.

Wanda said...

Oh it's beautiful. Isn't that the kitchen window. A great spot. I have a start from Don's mom's but it hasn't bloomed yet. Maybe next year.

Shammickite said...

Beautiful! Mine always flowered in Oct but this year it got really big so I split it up and repotted it. It produced some flowers on October as usual, but now has 2 more, and another one on the way..... I must have disturbed it's internal clock!
An afterthought.... chack out my blog post about the Farm Equipment post, there is a video there that might make you larf, just plug your ears!!

LC said...

Just seeing the photo of your lovely Christmas cactus revives precious memories of my late mother's large christmas cactus covered with a multitude of the same color blooms. May joy fill your Christmas season.

kc bob said...

We just got a Christmas cactus Sue. Not as many blooms as yours but maybe it will next year?