Wednesday, October 01, 2014


We had such a good time with our friends Don and Wanda...(see previous post).

I decided I had to show that we were there too.

This was taken at Rainbow Orchards which has "to die for" hot, freshly made apple cider donuts.

It makes me drool just thinking about them.

I wish you could taste them too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a wonderful picture of both of you! I think that little pumpkin would make a very tiny pie...

MarkD60 said...

This is a great photo! At first I thought it was a tomato in the pic and I had to look very closely.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never had a donut like that but I know i would love it. the two of you look fantastic...

Hilary said...

There is a place near where Frank used to live that made apple cider donuts too. They are amazing.. and I don't even care much for donuts.

Lovely pic of the two of you.

Shammickite said...

Apple cider donuts, now that sounds like a treat! Sprinkled with cinnamon???? mmmmmmmmm!
Great picture!