Thursday, August 21, 2014


Quite a few people on Facebook do what's called "Throwback Thursday".

Since so many people are posting back to school photos of their kids

I thought I would show you an antique.

This is me getting ready to go to Kindergarten, Sept. 5, 1948.

I attended kindergarten in a converted church.

This was my favorite dress.

It was mint green and I called it my twirly dress.

Dancing and spinning around made the skirt flair out and I thought it was just plain FUN.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are adorable and look a bit like Shirley Temple. Too bad they did not have color, I would love to see the green shade of the dress.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had dresses just like this and hair fixed just like this, i started first grade in 1950.. my grand daddy would buy 5 new dresses and pinafores each school year.. adorable pic... i did not know they had kindergarten back then...

Dawning Inspiration said...

What a beauty!!! Love this! I miss spinning in dresses like that - still do if I ever have something similar on! :)

Reader Wil said...

I love old photos! A great idea to send in photos from the time we still wore dresses!
Thanks for visiting and for your comment.
Wil,ABCW Team.

Shammickite said...

Great photo! And I love the dress. I wish I had pictures of my first day at school, but taking photos was a different proposition back then.

Mrs. Me said...

I remember Lauren loved her spinning dresses and armpit dresses as being her favorite! I guess she takes after her Grandma ;-)