Thursday, July 17, 2014


Today marks 5 years since we went to Namuncha, Kenya.

We truly miss the place and especially the beautiful Maasai people.

I just need to share some of the photo memories with all of you.

Many of them you perhaps saw before

but they are fun to share again.

The Maasai girls danced and sang for us as well as some of the mothers.

There is just something about their voices that gives me chills.

The first photo shows our sleeping quarters out in the Bush.

The other 2 are where we lived in The Great Rift Valley.

As you can see, not too much grows there and everyone in East Africa is experiencing a severe drought.

Living conditions are not easy.

Eunice baked over an open fire.

The chapatti (bread) was so tasty.  We had it for dinner each evening.

I really enjoyed working along-side the Maasai women as we sifted gravel for the mud cement.

The cement was going on the walls of the community building.

The first photo of this series is Mary.

She was so shy but spoke very proper English.

She reached out and touched my hair and said it was soft.

It took a lot for her to do that and it just made me love her more.

Hiking on the rocky, thistley soil was a challenge for us tender footed people.

Note the little guy walking with shoes.

Hubby and myself with Maasai friends and team mates.

The Elder Solomon looking at my digital pictures.

This is my favorite photo of Solomon.

His sweet smile just warms my heart.

Someday I really hope to see him again.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The memories of a lifetime!!

Wanda said...

Oh heart is so touched with your pictures. Precious! Love your servant, missionary heart Sue.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the first two photos of the girls. they look so happy and full of joy living in that dry hard land. i don't know how you slept in those tents and dug in that gravel... that would kill me... God bless all of you that went and still go to help

Hilary said...

I'm thinking never mind opposites. Likeness attracts.. these people are beautiful and so are you. Terrific photos from a wonderful you.

Charley said...

Beautiful photos!!!! What vibrant colors!!! I spent time in Malawi 20 years ago! How time passes!!!

Shammickite said...

What a wonderful experience getting to know these lovely people. Very interesting photographs.
My uncle and aunt lived in Nairobi for a few years in the 1930s, my 2 cousins were born there. My uncle was instrumental in setting up the Kenyan weights and measures standards.

LC said...

Thank you for sharing photos and memories of some sweet people.

Louisette said...

I have loving massais country, dance with jump , wonderfull fotos

kc bob said...

Love these images Sue. Reminds me of my old friends Chip and Chari who have been in Nairobi over 30 years. Had lunch with them in KC a few months back when they were stateside and am in awe of the work that they are doing in Kenya.

Slamdunk said...

Thank you for sharing your photos of such a fascinating place. I have always had a special place in my heart for Africa--my parents were married in Somalia many years ago.

Congrats on your Post of the Week from Hilary.

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! I love their dresses! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I appreciate it!

Anita Johnson said...

What a great experience! My son went to Kenya to do knee replacements with a surgeon he was working with...I hope to see Africa sometime myself. Your photos are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful shots and great memories!