Monday, June 02, 2014


I UNDERSTAND that today is Monday.

I decided to post my ABC Wednesday, letter " U " anyway.

You might ask what Spiderman has to do with the letter " U "?

I saw this character on a little boy's UMBRELLA.

Aren't the colors and design perfect for a kids UMBRELLA?

Going along with the "hero" theme of the first 2 pictures is my friend Jim.

He was the ULTIMATE Superhero wannabe for our Church Ministry Fair.

Jim was definitely Superman that day.

Perhaps he would be able to leap tall buildings at a single bound, or scale the Bridge.

I think we will have to look UP.

You never know what one will see looking UPWARD.

Of course, if one eats the UNUSUAL funny mushrooms

perhaps we could be the Superhero too!

Now don't forget to peruse the ABC Link to see what others have UPLOADED

for our trip around the alphabet.

Many thanks to Roger and Denise for all their work.

They make this series fun.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is perfect for the letter U..
sUper in fact... love those toadstools and that bridge photo.
i feel the same way you do about blogging.. and am trying to cut back some. FB i just don't care for, so that is not hard to do...

Ginny Hartzler said...

The umbrella is awesome for a little bot, raging colors!! But I think I won't try the magic mushrooms...

Reader Wil said...

You are so inventive to find the right words for the letter of the w eek. U is a difficult letter, but you found great words and..... photos!
Have a great week!
Wil, ABCW Team.

Leslie: said...

This is an UNDENIABLY UPBEAT post and you've done an awesome job using this difficult letter.

abcw team

ellen b said...

I'm impressed with your great use of U! Well done!

Leovi said...

Good photos, I like that umbrella!

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, superheroes are the ULTIMATE fantasy.


Photo Cache said...

i'll be proud to use that spiderman umbrella.

frankly my dear

Rajesh said...

The umbrella looks pretty nice.

Susan Moore said...

What a fun post! Love the umbrella and hey, it's good to have friends who can fill in for Superman.
Send me some mushrooms please :)

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team said...

That title reminds me of Rihanna's song by the same name. Perfect U.

PhenoMenon, ABCW

Wanda said...

That umbrella is just too cute. What little boy wouldn't love that.

I loved all your pictures, so colorful and upbeat!!

Sending love, hugs and smiles!

Gerald (SK14) said...

unusual coloured fungi and a unique umbrella

Meryl said...

What an UPBEAT post! Love the happy thoughts and colors.

Have a great week.

Ann said...

I'm loving the colorful "funny" mushrooms! What a delightful umbrella, I have 3 great-nephews who would scream for joy to have one.