Monday, February 03, 2014


 Thanks to the DYNAMIC  ABC Wednesday team, we are DEMONSTRATING  what to DO with the letter "D".

DROUGHT was the first word to come to mind for the letter " D ".

Central California is experiencing a DROUGHT.

No water and rationing coming.

Folsom Lake is one of our main reservoirs.

By enlarging the photos you can see the DETAIL of where the water should be.

Now people can DRIVE their cars and ride their horses where all was water last year.

No boat launches now.

The little DRIPS and DRIZZLES we have had only mess up the windows.

There has been DEFINITELY no measurable rain count.

DANGEROUS times ahead.

Everything is so DRY.

The fire DANGER is extreme.

Somehow I can't separate these two final photos.

So on with the show anyway.

I entitle the final two pictures

Little DRUMMER Boy

and the Mandarin DRUM Corps.

They were fantastic entertainment.

DON'T forget to see what others have posted for the letter "D" by going to my sidebar.


John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Wow, that really dramatizes the situation here. We had some showers yesterday up here in the North Bay area which really only amounted to a drop in the bucket of what is needed. I remain hopeful for the next couple of months.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE DRUMS... all drums.. and that first shot of the lone drummer is really really awesome... that is sad and scary about the lake. i did enlarge and saw that car looking so tiny out there... it would take months of rain to fill it up again.

Wanda said...

Sad and happy...the drought is horrible..those pictures really show how bad. A few sprinkles here last night..but that was it..a few!!

I remember with I was teaching Sunday School and did a lesson "What can we learn from the Letter D?" The story was Daniel.

LC said...

The effects of drought affect so many. Those photos are telling.

Reader Wil said...

The sweltering heat in Australia caused also a drought and the danger of bushfires was very great. Fortunately there was a lot of rain. Now I am back in the Netherlands and I am told that there has not been any snow or ice so far. Some bulbs are starting to come out.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Carver said...

Great post for D week. Carver, ABCW Team

Gerald (SK14) said...

so many ds you weave as you do every week

Leslie: said...

It was on the news here about the drought California is suffering. I sure hope there aren't any more fires as a result and I'll pray for rain for you.

abcw team

Photo Cache said...

What a very nice post. I hope that before the winter is over we can make up some of the water that we didn't get earlier in the season.


Leovi said...

I wish to be that drought soon!

ellen b said...

So sorry about the drought. Your D post is great!

Roger Owen Green said...

It is only the last couple weeks that I realized the severity of the drought.

Anonymous said...

Found you via Wanda's blog. So very sad about the drought. These are amazing photos.

Georgia has had a lot of rain and our Lake Lanier is at full pool...unusual for this time of year.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots, a touch of reality.

Ann said...

The drought is dreadful. Hope for relief soon and prevention of fire.

Hildred said...

Oh my, it does look dry. You need a downpour like the one Wil is talking about in Australia and I hope spring time brings you a lot of serious showers.

Obsessivemom said...

Droughts are terrible. And water rationing ... A nightmare. Hope you get some rain soon.

Hilary said...

That Drought is Distressing, Disturbing and Depressing. The Drummer- Delightful.

Joy said...

The first photo looks more like a stream than a reservoir, very worrying for you all. Its rained here since before Christmas, breaking all rain records. Weird weather.

Nydia said...

I'm really sorry for this situation, as I see that happening as well in some areas here in Brazil. Beautiful shot.

kalpana solsi said...

The stark pics are beautiful but the area is starved of water, the reservoir is just a trickle and this is not good. Hope it rains nay pours.

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Sorry your experiencing a drought! We've had severe flooding here in England!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Indrani said...

I hope the drought condition ceases soon.
Your other 'D' words are woven well into the post.

Mrs. Me said...

The Drums were amazing to see and hear up close! They are some very talented folks! I have enjoyed walking on the dry bed of Folsom Lake and seeing sights that are normally covered by water such as foundations from houses and other buildings before the lake was designed. Because it is a State Park, the rangers will not allow you to use a metal detector, but just think of the treasures that could be found! I just wanted to share some good news about the rain we had here last week and the difference it made at Folsom Lake specifically. You can click on the link if you're interested.