Monday, December 23, 2013


Whether you are 2 years old or 93 years old, Christmas is an
eXciting time of year.

This is one of the traditions our family really gets into each year.

Santa eXtends his fun and gifts to all who await his arrival.

I want to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas
or as some say, Merry XMAS!

Just to throw some actual X's into the mix.....

I kind of like this abstract chain link fence photo.

How about the wooden X bridge posts?

Don't forget to drop by the other blog posts over on the sidebar
link..ABC Wednesday.

You will find some great eXhibits of "X" words.

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Dawning Inspiration said...

Hi there! I have missed you, too as well as all my blogging friends. I think I'm "back" - time will tell. Thank you for caring about me. I apologize for making you worry! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Looking forward to a very Happy Blogging year!! ;o)♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Merry Xmas to y0u!!!!!

Wanda said...

I think I'd like to sit on Santa's Knee...

In reality, Sue...I not want or need a thing. I'm in a good place. God is so real and special and isn't that what we celebrate. The Christ, the Messiah.

Merry Christmas to my dear and special friends. Give Dave a hug for me too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

eXcellent! love the Santa and his knee pal... so sweet. Merry Christmas

Roger Owen Green said...

Never too old for Santa!
Always love it when I visit.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours! Great post for X this week.

LC said...

Thanks for a year of alphabetical treats and encouraging words, my friend. Every blessing for a joyful Christmas, a wonderful end to 2013 and happy entry of 2014!

Leslie: said...

Merry Xmas and have a wonderful day.

abcw team

Powell River Books said...

It's a holiday with lots of family memories for me. Hope yours is the merriest. - Margy

Louisette said...

Nice post,Season's greetings and best wishes for a Merry Christmas Day and for going to a Happy New Year, from Belgium

Indrani said...

Lovely X captures!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Hilary said...

Xactly why I love your letter posts.. you always do an Xceptional job of them.

Ann said...

My Grandma Jewell lived to 97 and giggled and laughed like a little girl each christmas--she never lost that child like attitude. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas.