Friday, November 01, 2013


I love the colors and textures of Fall.

The tilt of the sun seems to illuminate everything.

I think the birds are going to have a feast.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

I know I sound like a broken record, but, remember to enlarge the
photos for a better look.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

What are these beautiful berries? They look like tiny pumpkins on the vine.

LC said...

You are so right about the sun's illumination in the fall, and that leaf image captures it. The wonderful color against that blue sky just starts the happiness flowing.

May your weekend be blessed with joy, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those leaves, really beautiful photos. yes, the avocado is a monster.. and i don't even eat them. bob does, we give them away when we have more than he can eat...

Anonymous said...

Especially like the first photo.

Hilary said...

Lovely pics, Sue. Your November is so colourful. Our autumn is long done and looking rather drab.

Wanda said...

Lovely colors, Sue. I think you will have some very happy birds!!!

Have a great weekend. I'll be a our Ladies Craft Boutique and Bake Sale tomorrow. Money to go to the Building Fund, to put a new face on the building.

kc bob said...

LOL, I love the fall colors but not the fall temperatures.