Monday, November 18, 2013


I am going to make this ABC Wednesday post SHORT and

Feeling kind of like this rusty old truck today.

The icky cold bug has me feeling SNUFFY,   SNIFFY and just
plain SICK.

I have about as much energy as that old piece of farm equipment.

I think I will STAY put and just watch the day go by.

I love the SMILE on this nylon STOCKING  SCULPTURE.

He looks SO real, with that twinkle in his eye.

I SAW this SIGN at the Rainbow Orchards last month.

It was over the the window where we bought the most
SINFULLY delicious doughnuts.

If my nose wasn't so plugged I could probably SMELL them
from here.

The Bible verse is definitely SOMETHING to think about.

Be SURE to enlarge the photos.  Then make your way over

to the SIDEBAR link to SEE what others have posted for
ABC Wednesday.

Thank you Denise, Roger and the entire STUPENDOUS team
for making ABC Wednesday possible.

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Kate said...

As usual you have an array of photos to represent the letter of the week. I hope that your head cold, sniffles are of short duration. Kate, ABC Team

LC said...

You prepared a visual feast in spite of battling under-the-weather ickiness. May your healing spring up speedily as in Isaiah 58:8.

Wanda said...

So sorry your stuffed up, and sick. I hope you are totally better tomorrow. Don and I are going to do a date day tomorrow. Haven't done that for a long time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the man look so real.. and i love that truck and would like to have it but NOT your cold for sure. no snuffy for me please. all of your photos are wonderful today... hope you feel better each day

MaR said...

Lovely set as always. Get well soon!

S is for...

Carver said...

I think you did a super job. I love the old truck. Hope you feel better soon. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Leslie: said...

I sure hope you feel better SOON!

abcw team

Rajesh said...

Wonderful images and nice choice of words.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for this fun post! I love your photos.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

I've been there with the SICK stuff, unfortunately.

Meryl said...

I would add that your post this week feels very SEASONAL as well!

Leovi said...

Funny and very "sweet"!

Hildred said...

For someone with the sniffles you have made a really valiant post - hope you will soon be well.

ChrisJ said...

Hope the sniffles soon go away. I see different ones coming down with it down here. I'll just keep washing my hands all the time and hope I can avoid it. You did a great job on 's' for someone who isn't well.

John Roberts said...

Rusty old trucks are cool, and so are you!

Obsessivemom said...

Oh I know how bad a cold can be. Do get well soon. Great pictures there.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. That cold bug is going around here as well

Hazel said...

Oh, I hate sniffles. Here's hoping you get rid of that cold soon. Love your photos, especially the farm equipment and the stocking sculpture which I've never seen before.


Joy said...

I do like rusting farm equipment, and your photographed light. The quote is one I've always remembered but never knew it was a biblical one.

Hilary said...

I love the rusty truck and the sculpted stocking. But I hate that you're not feeling well. I hope you're on the mend before too much longer.

Shammickite said...

Mmm I could do with a Sinfully delicious Doughnut right now.... Haven't had one for ages. Sorry to hear about your bad sniffles, I just got over one of those myself. And that stocking face.... very artistic and skillfully made, but they give me the creeps.

Piotr LA said...

Thank you very much for the great article
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