Friday, August 16, 2013


Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous shot, love the colors and the sun beams... enjoy your week end. i took a couple days off to do housework since my dust bunnies have grand bunnies

Ginny Hartzler said...

Same for you, love the old fashioned pews with the light coming in.

LC said...

Beautiful capture of the fact that sometimes we have to draw aside into the quiet to see the light. Best of weekends to you.

Unknown said...

I love this image. What a peaceful place this church must be.

I hope your weekend is going wonderfully. Enjoy every moment.

Love, Becky

Hilary said...

Very pretty, Sue.

Anil P said...

Peaceful indeed. Lovely.

Joe Barone said...

This gives me a sense of the peace and hope I would find in this place.