Monday, July 15, 2013


Here we ARE  AT the beginning of the ALPHABET  AGAIN.
It's time for some new pictures and thoughts for the letter " A ".

Several weeks AGO we took A day trip which began in the city

AUBURN developed AS  A mining town.

This is AN old mining piece of equipment used in " placer " or open
pit and surface excavating.

ALONG the winding road we saw several lakes.

Can you see the cloud that is ALL  ALONE in that blue sky?

We felt AWFULLY  ALONE there too.

In Georgetown we visited A cemetery.

Many of the vintage grave markers looked ABANDONED to us.

I liked the look of this ANCHOR.

It was a prop.

I don't think it would be useful in the water.

Last but not least,
I took some ARTISTIC license with this tiny orchid blossom.

ALWAYS enlarge the photos to see the details.

AMBLE over to the ABC link on my sidebar to see what others
have posted for the letter " A ".

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Wanda said...

Absolutely Awesome for A!

Now I better get busy as I plan to be a part of this round.

LC said...

A plus on this alphabet entry!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your orchid blossom picture is fabulous!!! I looked and looked before I read, and would never have guessed that that is mining equipment.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i see that little cloud all alone in the big big sky and I love the artistic license with the last photo... A trip was A good thing for the letter A...

Unknown said...

Beautiful orchid blossom! Yes,I could see the one cloud!

Shammickite said...

some more interesting 'A' photos, you have such a good imagination!!! I love that orchid. Gorgeous colour.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots and post for A day. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Rajesh said...

Wonderful choices.

Nanka said...

Gorgeous photos and the commentary!!
Even the old mining equipment is marvelous!!

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for the great post and also for your kind words on my blog. Yes it is great to meet bloggers and I wished I could meet you all, because I feel really connected to the blogging friends. Should you ever come to Holland , do visit me and stay here at my place for a while.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

anchors away!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Meryl said...


Leslie: said...

The enlarged photos are ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! ALWAYS a pleasure to drop by to see your incredible shots!

abcw team

Beverley Baird said...

A wonderful visit of the area and lots of As to focus on!

Mai said...

Great A's all around!

ChrisJ said...

I had to look twice for the lonely cloud. You are so good at this You always have so many alphabet words.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos! I like the beauty of that place!

Hazel said...

Nice work on the orchid. I love exploring old old graveyards! Yes, I'm a tapophile :)


MaR said...

What a lovely place and great finds for A!

A is for...

Ann said...

Looks like a wonderful trip--love the old mining town and the gorgeous sea side. Excited to start over again.

Unknown said...

We went on a hike with our daughter, hubby and grandson a few years ago near Auburn -it's beautiful there! So, I had to make a watercolor:) Thanks for reminding me on a beautiful experience!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

These Are All Amazing, especially the Artistic orchid view. Happy ABC Wednesday! #76

Richard Lawry said...

I love old machinery, so the mining machine is very interesting to me.
An Arkie's Musings