Monday, July 29, 2013


The letter " C " is highlighted in our CONTINUING trip around
the alphabet.

The first picture is entitled " CHINESE  COOLIE"
Please don't be offended.
That's it's name.

During the Gold Rush many CHINESE came to Placer COUNTY
to work and helped build the TransCONTINENTAL Railroad.

The railroad was the Western leg of the system.

Dr. Kenneth Fox CRAFTED this statue frome 1 mile of steel
rebar and 35 CUBIC yards of CONCRETE.

It stands 25 feet high and weighs 70 tons.

The Doctor CREATED it as a gift to the COMMUNITY of

The CITY of Auburn is the COUNTY Seat of Placer COUNTY,

As I say CONSTANTLY , enlarging the photos will make the
photos more interesting.

Here we have a COUPLING of two railroad CARS.

Without this hitch the CARS  CAN'T go anywhere.

Be sure to see what others have posted by going to the ABC
link on my sidebar.

Thanks for looking at my post.
I would love for you to leave a COMMENT.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

The facts about this wonderful statue are amazing!

Wanda said...

Would love to visit that sometime. You and Dave have so many wonderful "day trips and photo Shoots"

These were excellent for Letter "C".

MadSnapper n Beau said...

leaving Comment now..
love the coupler and I am glad you gave us the info on the coolie... he doesn't look nearly that big in the first photo...

Rajesh said...

Very well carved Chibnese coolie.

Meryl said...

As always a wonderful COLLAGE and COLLECTION of image, thoughts and words. Have a great week.

Roger Owen Green said...

yeah, there are lots of things that, if named today, wouldn't be named as they were.

Reader Wil said...

Interesting as always! There were also Chinese coming to Australia during the gold rush over there.In fact the Chinese immigrants were the second group of outsiders visiting Queensland to stay there for a long time.
Have a great week.
Thanks for your comment! Yes going on a cruise is wonderful!
Wil, ABCW Team

Unknown said...

Interesting! There's still so much to know about the state CA I live in!

Carver said...

I like the statues very much. Interesting information too. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Joy said...

What a size the statue is, good to have their contribution commemorated, it must have been a tough life. I always like the noise the couplings make on old trains.

Leovi said...

Beautiful sculpture, lovely photos!

Kay L. Davies said...

The railways crossing Canada were built in the same way, and there were a great many Chinese people working in the salmon canneries on the west coast of Canada, too. There were some unfortunate names for the canning machines, too.
However, these days the Chinese immigrants to North America are Canadians, Americans, and, yes, some are Mexicans.
Interesting historical subject for the letter C.

Carol said...

Great photos! Love the sculpture of the "coolie".

Meghana Hassan said...

Grt series of photographs for C theme..

Leslie: said...

The details in the photos are amazing. We had Chinese come and work in the gold mines and on the Canadian Pacific Railway, too.

abcw team

Gerald (SK14) said...

A lovely selection of photos

Fond of England said...

Didn't realize it is huge until I read its measurements.

MaR said...

Love your picturs and your Collection!

C is for...

Hazel said...

Thanks for the historical bit of info on the Chinese in the Gold Rush.


imac said...

Sounds as if you are having fun my friend

Nanka said...

Lovely snap shot of the city county capital!! The atop the dome looks regal!!

A Colorful World said...

Fascinating post! Wow...the statue is HUGE! It doesn't seem to be when you first look at the photo. It was a wonderful gift to the county! Love the railroad car coupling also!

Lise said...

The Chinese Coolie stone statue is amazing!