Monday, June 10, 2013


Welcome to ABC Wednesday and these two wonderful people.

They are a VANISHING breed!

Don and Wanda will be married 52 years this month!!

They VISITED with us this past weekend and we talked so much
that I never took a picture.

This shot is from last year when we VISITED them at Lake Tahoe.

We met through our blogs about 4 years ago and have become
VERY dear friends.

I guess I will call this photo:
"A  VIEW of the VERTICAL tree trunk"

VEGGIES from the Farmer's Market always seem to look more
VIVID and fresh than they do in the store.

Don't you think so?

I saw several or VARIOUS  VARIETIES of cacti in the Los
Angeles area while on VACATION.

I haven't a clue what they are called.

Here we have some inVERTED tongs  VIA the Mongolian BBQ
I think they look like upside down V's.


Head over to my ABC link on the sidebar to see what others have
posted for the letter " V ".

Okay, no more VERBIAGE,

Just remember to enlarge the photos for a better VIEW.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

I like your upside down V photo, I think I would never been clever enough to notice it! A great photo of Don and Wanda, they are blessed to have each other and so in love to have been married for so long.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a wonderful photo of the couple that is a vanishing breed... love their smiles, they say joy joy.. and yes veggies do look better in a fresh market. i like you last photo of the inverted V's on the buffet... cool shot..and you did good on the V that is a tough one for sure.

Unknown said...

I love your friendship with miss Wanda. What a beautiful picture. Your visit sounds like so much fun. I want to come and visit you too.

Richard Lawry said...

Give Don and Wanda my congratulations!
An Arkies Musings

Leovi said...

Nice colors, I like these stunning compositions!

Roger Owen Green said...

Woman in my church died a couple months ago. She and her hubby were married for 67 years!

Love the picture of the newlyweds!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Hildred said...

Love all your V choices, and best wishes for many more years of happiness together to the Vanishing breed, Don and Wanda

Reader Wil said...

I always learn a lot by visiting your blog.I like the photo with the upside down thongs.Congtatulations to Wanda and Don.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Leslie: said...

Ah, you make me laugh! Isn't it wonderful to make friends via the blog! Both of you appear to be VERY nice people.

abcw team

Nana Jo said...

What a lovely, verdant post! Your friends have such grace and joy-of-living in their faces.

Anonymous said...

blogging brings people together. i have made some good friends thru blogging as well.

ChrisJ said...

Oh I know that couple -- at least I recognized them from blogland. Yes, a wonderful couple. .Maybe all three of us can meet one day

ChrisJ said...

Oh I know that couple -- at least I recognized them from blogland. Yes, a wonderful couple. .Maybe all three of us can meet one day


The inVerted tongs made me smile:) I love that couple and also the veggies, a veritable cornucopia!

Carver said...

Great post for V. It is great to make friends through blogging. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of V words in one post!
I love that you have found very good friends through blogging.
I have made some of the best friends I have this way...who would have ever thought that 20 years ago?

Marie said...

What a great blog and what a nice tribute paid to a great lady and her husband. :-)

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team said...

that's one way of putting it !! They look like a great couple.

PhenoMenon, ABCW

Martha said...

I love Wanda and Don. :)

Unknown said...

Great V's! Love the inverted V looking tongs!

Ann said...

I have developed friendships also but have new been able to visit them. Now that's wonderful. A vanishing breed for sure, we are going on 47 too. Love all your "v's".

Lise said...

Many congrats to the sweet yet vanishing couple! I enjoyed your post:)

Anita said...

I'm glad you had another great visit with Don and Wanda. What a great photo of them - even if it was last year. They probably still have that glow.

The veggies make me want to begin purchasing from a farmer's market. I've been thinking about it awhile.

LC said...

What a charming photo of a couple in love! It is worth recycling.

Your "V" images and words brightened my afternoon, but, my, another alphabet drawing near to a close!