I am amazed that my clump of Poppies are still blooming
their pretty little heads off.
Last weekend we honored our local First Responders at our church..
This 1950's Ford Police car was on display.
Enlarge the photo to get a better look.
Everything about this car was so shiny and bright.
The Policeman who owned the car was so proud to show it to us.
Have a great weekend.
the poppies are cool~but so are the mommies! :)
hope y'all have a fun and safe weekend.
Jel made me laugh. I was actually thinking "Poppies and Coppies." ;)
Love the police car. And your flower is just lovely.
Awesome! First Responders...you never hear about them being honored or anything. They are our HEROES, who go in when everyone else is running out. Oh MY, the beautiful yellow poppy again!!! I wish we had some around here.
Wonderful to honor people for jobs well-done, esp. when their jobs are often dangerous.
Your church does an excellent job of celebrating the different members of the community. I love that. I wish i could sit next to you in church! That would be a treat.
if you take the name off the police car that is my grandmothers car. and that yellow poppy photo is just plain amazing... so real i tried to pick it out of my screen. have a wonderful and safe week end.
Love the old Ford Police car.
An Arkies Musings
here is my email if you want to exchange emails send me one. so i can answer when you comment.
shangey@tampabay.rr.com I will tell you how i knew the car
I certainly love your Poppies. They look happy, healthy and dazzling! Too bad, I don’t have the gift in planting those beautiful creations. That 1950's Ford Police car is awesomely vintage! I love the sexy color, too! Anyway, I just stopped by for a visit. Thank a lost for the update!
My Webblog: http://online-phd-uk.co.uk/
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