Monday, March 04, 2013


HERE we are at the eighth letter of the alphabet.
It's the letter " H ".
Can you find the "HIDDEN Mickey"
HAVING trouble seeing it?
Enlarging the photo will HELP.

HERE is a HINT of silly HUMOR
thrown into the HAPPY mix of photos today.

HISTORY in the making.
This photo was taken 52 years ago.
It is a picture of myself and my HIGH School Band classmates.

We HAD the HONOR of performing for John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Parade.
We then toured all the HISTORICAL buildings in Washington DC.

This past weekend my HUBBY and I participated in a Fundraiser
for our Community and the Placer Food Bank.

We served a simple meal to gain funds so people can simply eat.

Both my HUSBAND and I were HAPPY to be involved in this

HAVE an interest in seeing what others posted for the letter " H "?
Click on my sidebar link and take a look.

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LC said...

I usually bomb at finding what is hidden in photos. This time my eyes were immediately drawn to Mr Mouse drawn with horseshoe. Your weekly alphabet photos are a reminder of how quickly time is passing.

I think your blog was one of the first I started following when I began blogging in late 2009. And I continue to appreciate the visual and emotional range of your images and the responses they awake in me.

Hilary said...

Very clever with the Mickey Mouse and how cool to see your high school photo. It sure doesn't look as if 52 years have passed to look at your photo of today.

Anonymous said...

Your ABC entries are truly works of art. I appreciate all the effort you take in every post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had no idea you are a celebrity.. i like that photo, flipped me right back in time... I had a coat like the dark one that has a white scarf on it. mine was bright blue. really bright.

raf said...

Wonderful series of pix for the theme today! Found the mickey too! Had the honor of helping elect JFK all those years ago :)

Carver said...

Great series of shots for H this week.

Roger Owen Green said...

I could not tell WHAT that heap was!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MaR said...

Loved all the H's!!! cHeers!

H is for...

Meryl said...

Oh what a wonderful post. Loved the humor and history. Just don't know HOW you walked in the snow with those shoes!

Marleen said...

What a nice series of 'H' photo's. I love the sign!

Unknown said...

Glad you explained the pic why you're all walking in the snow in dress shoes! Yes, that was an honor:)
The food banks are popping up all over the land!

Leovi said...

Yes, very funny, I like, I've never seen so many horseshoes!

Anonymous said...

Very creative post and photo for H ~ with Mickey Mouse ! ^_^

Leslie: said...

Wow, lucky you to have been part of HISTORY in the making!

abcw team

Hazel said...

That sign - 'always open even when we're closed' made me smile. I can't find Mickey, but found performing for JFK's inaugural parade and fundraiser meal amazing.

Reader Wil said...

Great post as always! I am afraid I didn't find Mickey though!
Have a nice day and thanks for participating.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Tania said...

Wonderful and very creative post for H! Great pictures too:-)

Joy said...

Wow I was just amazed by the number of horseshoes, Mickey can't hide from me:-) Love your snowy scene, what a wonderful memento.

Lisa said...

Amazing! on the number of horse shoes. I had to really look to see what I was looking at. Very creative post! Great H!!! for this week.


How happy this post was! And what a honor to have been there at JFK's inaugural parade! (I failed in finding the mickey though:)

Gattina said...

Nice collection of "H" words !

imac said...


Chubskulit Rose said...

I found the hidden Mickey in the pile.

Haghpat Monastery, Armenia

Catching up with letter H entries.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team