Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today is the 154th birthday of George Ferris.
Many Happy Returns.
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Wanda said...

Well that's a pretty famous birthday! Love that Ferris Wheel. Got got on one when I was in a local fair...stayed up there an hour before they got it fixed and got us off...quite scary, but fun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great picture!!! Wow, Gorge Ferris, I had no idea it is named after it's inventor.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you might not believe this, but I have never heard of George Ferris. I assume he is the inventor of this terrifying to me Ferris wheel...I never really thought why it was called that... now i know and 154 years ago is unbelievable.

kc bob said...

Heard a few months ago that they are building a huge Ferris Wheel on my hometown Staten Island. I think that it will be visible from Manhattan.

LC said...

I love ferris wheels. Hubby abhors heights. But I think he would appreciate this Mickey version, from the ground only of course, for its photo potential. I loved this fun bit of tasty trivia, visual and factual!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Ferris! And happy weekend to you Ms. Suzanne.