Thursday, November 29, 2012


Remember the shots of my brilliant Fall leaves?
Now you see them...
Now you don't!
A few days of wind and rain has taken care of that.

Be sure to enlarge these photos to see all the detail.
It's a very gray and blusterly day today.
I thought I would show you what our front yard looks like.

The leaves on the ground are so pretty but a real drain clogger.

I discovered that my camelias are beginning to bloom.
The bushes have hundreds of buds on them,
The are such a beautiful bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day.

I also saw that our Manzanita tree is full of dainty bell like blossoms.
The bees and hummingbirds are having a field day.

I love the view of the tree and flowers right outside my diningroom
If only the hummingbird would stay put for a while so I could
capture him for all to see.
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Merisi said...

Unimaginable beauty for this time of year, even with the leaves clogging drains now instead of lighting up the trees! I observed the thick buds on the camelias back in Washington DC, and felt a bit sad that I would not see them in bloom. One white blossomed for me, though. Such a beautiful sight!

Dave said...

Your autumn photos are beautiful Sue - Dave

Unknown said...

I love your pretty foliage ; )
So beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those last three shots are just beautiful, can't even decide which I like the best. what a view out your window.