Monday, October 29, 2012


Today's letter is " P ".
You are PROBABLY wondering what this PARTICULAR
group of PEOPLE is doing.
This was just before things at our Church's
Trunk or Treat began on Sunday.
There were 150 cars set up and decorated to give out
you read that right,
650,000 PIECES  of candy for the Halloween extravaganza.
This is my family trying to not squint in the POWERFUL sunshine
 as we got into character of The Little House on the
doing our country laundry.

Here's the PARADE of kids and their PATIENT  PARENTS
in the Sugar Rush of the year!

Final numbers aren't in yet, but we believe 10,000 PEOPLE
came onto our church campus in the PERIOD of 3 hours.

Look who came by to celebrate Trunk or Treat.

I couldn't resist this (P)unny sign I saw on a restaurant wall.

There is so much truth to the statement about PIGS.

I have entitled this sculpture
When PIGS Fly.

PROCEED to the link on my sidebar to PERUSE what others
have POSTED for the letter " P ".

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i cant stop laughing at the pig sign and wrestling with one and the pig LIKES it ROFL and i love that rusty pig
after enlarging the first photo and Perusing it.... i am so so so happy i did not live back then... really!

Beverly said...

OH, I love the possum sign. That must be at the crab restaurant we went too. i posted some of those signs in a blogpost after I was there with you. I must have missed those.

I love the washtub and the scrub board. When my mother got a wringer washer, she thought she had died and gone to heaven. She said it was so much better than a scrub board.

Wanda said...

There is a county song that says "cats can fly from 9 stories high and pigs can see the wind!"

I have no idea what that means!!! But your flying pig made me think of those words.

Very cute post of P's and I think your Little House on the Prairie is just darling!!!

LeenaH said...

I admire your activities there and your post of it too.
Thank you for your kind words on my blog. You know that below 60 years old is a different thing than about 70 years old and photos of the same woman are in some peculiar reason quite different :)
Happy days to you Sue!

Mildred said...

Such a great entry for Pdat!
Love the sculpture of the flying pig! So cute!
Thanks for sharing.
Hope you are having a great week****

MaR said...

I love all your P's, particularly the pig sculpture!

P is for...

Tina´s PicStory said...

great P shots! :)

Reader Wil said...

I love your photos as always. You are a lovely family! I like the pigs and the quotations!The rusty one is a real piece of art.

Carver said...

Wow, that's a lot of candy. The pun sign is very funny. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

imac said...

Love the little piggies.

Roger Owen Green said...

it looks like a PARADE in one shot.
the PIG is a hoot.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

Again, a phenomenal post with perfect pictures to accompany it!

abcw team

Anonymous said...

what a nice thing to do to involve the community.

Hilary said...

It's always so much fun to see your collection of photos.. and how well you tie them in to this weeks letter. Perfect!

carol l mckenna said...

Great post and fun time for Halloween ~ Great photos besides ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Ann said...

How fun is that booth, our trunk or treat is tomorrow night. Our life group is having a hillbilly booth and I'm going to dress up like Minnie Pearl. We give out a lot of candy but I think you have us beat on # of people coming thru. Love the Little House booth.

Karen said...

A delightful post, and a great alternative to door to door trick or treating!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Elvis and Priscilla looks like a sweet couple hehehe.

Pile of Leaves
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. People are having a great time.

Hildred said...

What a great post, -I too have great admiration for your project, and the humour associated with it!!!

Dave said...

I enjoyed your post Sue, and found it very interesting. That was a lot of people you had through your trunk or treat day - Dave

Kate said...

Your church has some very creative PARISHIONERS in it.
Your social action activities are always creative. Looks like y'all are having lots of fun. Kate, ABC Team

jane said...

What a grand occasion everyone looks to be having a grand time - I like the saying about the pig - are you in the storm path? please you and your family keep safe - Jane UK

Francisca said...

Perfect for Planting a Pleased smile on my Profile. When Pigs fly, indeed. 10K People is one Peppy Party!

Hazel said...

I love church activities like this. Doing the country laundry Little House on the Prairie style must be quite a charming scene.

EG CameraGirl said...

The rusty pig is wonderful! I like the idea of a Trunk or Treat sale but I fear the end of October is too cold for that sort of sale here.

Lisa said...

Wow! That's a lot of candy to pass out. It looks like you had great weather for Sugar Rush Day. :-)

LC said...

Loved the glimpses of the trunk or treat ministry and I am still grinning about the wrestle a pig advice and the endearing rusty pig. I guess she flew through a rainstorm.

ChrisJ said...

Great job for Halloween. We ran out of candy this year.

ChrisJ said...
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