Monday, August 13, 2012


Here we are at the E  EDITION of ABC Wednesday.
These two dear friends came to visit us on the ELEVENTH of
We met Wanda and Don through our blogs.
They are so EASY to be around.
We don't have to ENTERTAIN them or cook ELABORATE meals.
My  EMOTIONS were sad when we had to say good bye this
We ENJOYED their visit EVER so much.

Don and Wanda's dog Molly was very ENTHUSIASTIC
about our EASY chair.
I ENVY sleeping like that.
Molly has ENDEARED herself to us with her sweet face and
"Puppy-Dog"  EYES.

Our Church is under renovation.
The bleachers are removed and new seating will be put in.

The EDIFICE hasn't been touched.
Its just the inside.
The usual EGRESS  or EXIT has been blocked.
For the next few weeks we have to go out EITHER side ENTRANCES.
We are being asked to ENJOY the mess!!
ENLARGING the photos will show more detail.

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Merisi in Vienna said...

"We are being asked to enjoy the mess!" - Love that!

What a darling dog Molly is, no wonder she won your hearts.

Great collection, Sue, I truly enjoyed getting into your spirit of the letter,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Everything we nEEDEd to know about the letter E. they look really happy and Molly is a doll baby. congrats on the new seats, i hope they are padded and soft.

EG CameraGirl said...

How neat to meet another blogger!

Everything will be great once the renovations are finished!

New York Erratic said...

How sweet to post on a visit from some friends!

Chris H
ABC Wednesday
E is for Elephant Evolution

Meryl said...

Your day sounded so lovely!!!!
It is always a pleasure visiting you each week in cyberspace, I can only imagine in person...

Also, thank you so much for your kind and generous comment on my post.

Have a great week,

LC said...

A beautiful couple obviously enjoying their time with you and your husband. And Molly looks like she is really enjoying the recliner. The lighting is special in that photo, giving a homey warmth along with the rich texture of the recliner and little Molly's pelt.

Kate said...

Good friends with good loveable dogs are treasures! Isn't it fun to meet fellow bloggers?!

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful to meet blogging friends! The dog is so cute! My daughter in Australia has the same breed of dog.He is so sweet. Thanks for your visit and comment. I learned a lot from Dina in Jerusalem, whom I also met by blogging.

mrsnesbitt said...

I know Wanda too - what a great exciting event!

denise ABC Team

kc bob said...

So wonderful you all were able to share a meal!

Rajesh said...

You have nice friends.

jill said...

Looks like you had a lovely day,how lovely to meet another blogger,I have and am going to again this month looking so forward to it.Molly is lovely.xx

Carver said...

What a great idea to say, enjoy the mess. Since I live in a constant mess I need a sign like that at my front door. Your guests sound like the perfect visitors. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Roger Owen Green said...

recognized Wanda straight on!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Lisa said...

Yes! Enjoy the mess! That's a good sign your church is growing. :-) BTW: the dog is adorable...even while sleeping.

The Poet said...

Your friends are nice, but Molly stole my heart (smile). Great post this week my friend!!

Hazel said...

I recognize Wanda! :) How nice that you can meetup. Molly is adorable.

Janet said...

Bloggers make good company!

Chubskulit Rose said...

It's always great to meet bloggie friends.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

A Message To India said...

So nice! The way you show your photos is so original! I have a Lumix too and I should keep it in my handbag everyday so that I can take unexpected photos too.

Hildred said...

Lovely that you had Wanda and Don to visit, - a great E posting.

joanne said...

very cheery post....thanx

Lmkazmierczak said...

Kudos for working in so many E's♫♪
Glad you Enjoyed the visit!

Hilary said...

Nice to know you've made good friends through your blog. That bye bye bleachers sign is fun and oh.. how sweet that little Molly is.