Monday, June 18, 2012


WELL, it's finally started.
Our annual WEEK  long Breakaway Summer Church Camp.
Of course WE never do anything in a small WAY.
There WILL be 6 sessions over a 4 WEEK period.
Isn't this set amazing?
It's all built by volunteer labor and really sets the mood.

The theme this year is Breakaway to the Big City and the Super
Heroes of the Bible.
Enlarge each photo to see the detail.
It will definitely make you WANT to come too.

This past WEEKEND  WE  WENT down to the WATER'S 
edge and ate WATERMELON.
WE celebrated Father's Day WITH our relatives.
The WEATHER  WAS  Hot, Hot, Hot.
Check out my previous post to see more about the 105F. temps.

Recently WE  WENT on a photo shoot to the WINE country.
Aren't these WINE kegs pretty.
I actually think a bit of WEAR and grunge WOULD make them
more unique.

Last year WHEN my Blogging  friend Bev and I WENT to Nashville
WE visited The Country Music Hall of Fame.
This door handle on a big boat of a car caught my eye.
I'm calling the gun door handle a Smith and WESSON.
Not too sure that it is but it does go with the "W" letter for
WISHING you all happy WENDING through the posts for "W".

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Ginny Hartzler said...

The gun car handle, wild! And I do love all those wine kegs. But the little houses you all built for it summer bible school? AMAZING! Any child would want to live there and any child will love it!

kc bob said...

Gotta love that pistol car handle.

Wanda said...

Oh my to see the sets finished now after seeing them started when we were there.. What a great adventure those kids will have.

Love all your W's... I better get busy...but I posted Pedi~Party on Monday, Creative Tuesday, and now I have to think W!!!!! And the beat goes on...

Beverly said...

I love your photos...especially the last one, blogging friend.

Leslie: said...

Wow your church went all out for the summer bible school. Ours is lots of fun, but I've never seen anything quite like this little city! HOpe everyone has a fabulous time. Love your other W shots, too.

abcw team

Reader Wil said...

These colourful little buildings are wonderful. Are they made of wood or cardboard? They look like a toy city.
All lovely W photos!
Wil, ABC Team

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those barrels are beautiful to me, the town is A-mazing! and love the smith and wesson

Carver said...

Wonderful shots and looks like a fun break a way. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for your answer! I admire you to work with so many children, but it's worth while doing this.

LC said...

That set is super-spectacular. Oops, should I say it offers a Wonderful, Whimsical Welcome? And the wine barrel photo is so eye-catching!

Seems you are finding plenty to enjoy, including that chilled watermelon, in spite of summer temperatures.

imac said...

Very novel post and pics my friend.Love the gun handle.
I have a walking stick with the handle calved out like a gun.

Chubskulit Rose said...

We love watermelon here too.

White Eggplant
Rose, ABC Wednesday!

Shooting Parrots said...

Great cityscape! I recognise the 'security watch' graphic - it's the same one they use for anti-terrorist posters at the Hoover Dam.

jane said...

The set for your Summer Camp - looks full of fun and so colourful - lovely W blog - Jane UK

Annie said...

I love your photos! Happy Wednesday!

Lisa said...

Well, as they say...Go big or go home! This looks like an amazing time. Enjoy!!

Joy said...

The watermelon and stream look deliciously cool, although I can only dream of temperatures like yours at the moment. Your church summer schools are always so imaginative.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

It is hot, hot, hot here too! But, what a great set! Your church community is amazing!

Dave said...

That summer camp set-up looks great Sue. I am sure that you will all have fun there. That pistol door handle was unique - Dave

Shammickite said...

Just looking at your previous post... 102 degrees F, now, that's HOT!
The summer camp set is very impressive, how many people volunteered to build it? How long will it be in use until you have to dismantle it?
Your "W"s are Whacky, Whimsical and Wonderful, as usual!

Shammickite said...

But I don't like displaying a gun on a car.... two weapons that can kill. Not for me, thanks!

Mildred said...

Wonderful entry for W day!
Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

Have a nice weekend****

The Poet said...

These are some colorful photos. The temp lowered some today, but Weds-Fri, we had temps in the very high 90s and with the heart index it was like 100+ degrees and rising! Not healthy to be outside.Hope you're keeping cool. Thanks for sharing.

The Warm Fingers Of Love