Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Oh my goodness!
I THOUGHT it was Monday.
I guess THIS is better late than never...

THE  THREE photos I am posting TODAY are all about a TRIBUTE
the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.
THIS week the Bridge TURNS 75 years old.
THE first photo is our current  bridge.
Many, in fact millions of cars, TRUCKS and people have been
TRANSPORTED across THE beautiful International Orange span.

TWENTY five years ago my son and Hubby joined THE  THRONG of well wishers who TRIED  TO walk across THE Bridge TO celebrate 50 years.
THAT is an amazing mass of humanity.
People were TRYING to walk from both sides of THE Bridge and
THINGS came TO a complete standstill.
THE Bridge flatten and fortunately held.
It TOOK my family hours TO get back to THEIR car and out of
You must enlarge THIS shot TO get THE full effect of so many people
packed TOGETHER.

THIS last photo is of my Father in Law.
It was TAKEN in 1968 at THE  TOP of THE  TOWER of THE Bridge.
Look back at THE other shot TO really see where I am TALKING about.
THERE are only a few people fortunate enough TO  TAKE  THE elevator up and TO go out on TOP of THE world.
THANKS for viewing.
TRAVEL over to my ABC link for other "T" posts.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, this is people on the bridge!!!!! Amazing! Stuck on a bridge all those hours, I would have been scared to death! What if mass panic had ensued? I am kind of scared of bridges anyway. They are beautiful but I like to look at them from a distance and not on on them!

Meoww said...

This is just too awesome! Golden Gate has a special place in my heart :)

Roger Owen Green said...

Tremendous achievement, the Golden Gate Bridge!
But you are hardly late!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kate said...

DH and I have walked across the bridge, but never in a crowd like that!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantastic T and perfect for the anniversary. i was shocked when i saw on the news the bridge is 75, i had no idea it was that old. that is one cool shot of the mass of people. wow.

Gattina said...

What a lot of T words ! Very nice !
ABC team

Wanda said...

Oh how interesting Sue...What a mass of people...what a walk!!

I haven't been on the bridge for years. We never got to SF very often when we lived up North. Always to busy with church stuff!

Should have taken more time for R&R, but now we are!!! PTL...Tahoe just around the corner....Yeah!

EJ said...

Such a beautiful bridge.

T is for ...
Hope to see you.

kc bob said...

Great pic. I need to add a journey across the Golden Gate Bridge to my bucket list. :)

Reader Wil said...

Amazing! I wouldn't dare walking on such a high bridge and so long. I remember that I walked across the Svinesundbrua, which connects Norway and Sweden. I was so scared, that I was completely breathless.
Anyway Happy Anniversary dear bridge!
Your post is excellent and very interesting!
Wil, ABC Team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh my, it would be a thrilling experience to walk across the bridge!

T is for ...
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Black Jack's Carol said...

I've never been over that bridge, but hope to some day. I do love bridges and often walk or cycle across the ones in Vancouver. Great shot of your father-in-law. He didn't look at all stressed to be so high over the water.

Karen Schmautz said...

These are wonderful photos and a great TRIBUTE.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I cannot believe the number of people on the bridge! Thanks for stopping by my photography blog!

Lisa said...

That bridge is truly a marvel. The people walking across the bridge en mass is amazing!

Carver said...

What a great story and photographs. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

LC said...

That mass of humanity on the bridge is amazing. I loved your photos and walk down memory lane or, rather, the memory bridge.

Hubby and I walked over the bridge and back July 4, 2004. There was a fairly good crowd of walkers, many in red, white and blue and most gregarious and sporting a happy, festive, communal spirit.

Jeannette StG said...

Great for memories years later. that you could take that pic! I can imagine that it took hours to get home!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Your FIL must not be afraid of heights! Look how casual h e looks! I'd be trembling and terrified. Heck, I wouldn't even make it up there to that tower! i did, however, run across that bridge back in '83.

Dave said...

Good commemoration blog Sue. Yes, we had TV of this too recently - Dave

AphotoAday said...

Hi P-W Sue,
Yeah, I remember you mentioning your father-in-law was involved in the establishment of the GGNRA... A treasure of a photo of him... They don't let just anybody go up there to the top...

Bman said...

That photo of Grandpa is one of my favorites!

jane said...

What a wondeful people picture - that is an amazing shot of the bridge - thanks for sharing - Jane UK

Lisa said...

WOW! That's a lot of people. I thought they were sea shells. I LOVE your photos!!! They are beautiful!!!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Wow - amazing is right!
Cool shots. Still shocked that it turned 75!

Hilary said...

What a great post. I'm stunned by all of the people on the bridge. I'd love to see an enlarged version but clicking on it just opens it up at the same size. This was a fine way to commemorate this event and your letter T.

John Roberts said...

The top picture is a great view of the bridge and surrounding area. I like it because it's different from the usual angle.

At first glance, I thought it was Mike Wallace in the bottom picture!

Phil said...

How could you not love that bridge. The photograph of the 50th anniversary is astonishing. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed being in that crowd.

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