Monday, May 21, 2012


STRAIGHT off, I want to thank everyone for the prayers,
and good wishes SENT last week on my SON'S behalf.

He SEEMS to be doing fine and the doctors aren't SURE what
caused the episode.

Now on to the letter " S ".

Enlarging each photo will SHOW the detail best.

The first photo is the elder SOLOMON.
He is a beautiful Maasai man we met in Kenya and lived in his village.
We just learned that the community center we helped his people
build 2 years ago has burned to the ground.
No water in the area made it a lost cause.

After that incident happened there have been flash floods right where
we camped.

SUCH devastation in a rough and troubled land has hit my husband
and I hard.

Another group from our church will be returning in 3 weeks to help
SURVEY the area and repair anything they can.

Things have been SO crazy at our house that I have had to dip back
into the archives for today's letter " S " post.

Don't SUNFLOWERS just make you feel happy?

Falling down this mine SHAFT wouldn't make my day!
This SHOT was taken at the Empire Mine Park in Grass Valley, CA.

Here is a SIMPLE  SPIRAL  SAPPY  picture.

I really like the SMEARED colors on the SOUTHERN
Pacific Railroad car.

Last but not least, is a rather SILLY  SCULPTURE 
I took in Chicago a few years ago.
SCOOT over to the ABC link on my SIDEBAR
to SEE what others have SELECTED for " S ".

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about Solomon's problems. that is truly sad. you are brave to get close enough for the mine shaft pic, scared me silly looking down it.

LC said...

What challenges your Kenyan friends face! Will continue praying for son and will add Solomon, his community and your church team. Your archives are rich in color and fascinating shapes and surprises.

Merisi in Vienna said...

So good to hear that your son is doing fine, my heartfelt best wishes for his recovery!

It is heartbreaking to hear of the misfortunes your friend Solomon and his fellow village people are going through. I hope they will have better luck in the future.

Your images are all stunning! Your collection of unusual and superb pictures is out of this world! I imagine you being drawn like a magnet to wherever you notice some bold and beautiful.

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

I have been praying for your son! So glad to know he is recovering nicely. Tonight I will pray for Solomon and his community. I am sorry for the devestation you feel for them. So very sad.

carmilevy said...

I'm so glad your son's turned for the better. Nothing frightens me more when I look at our own kids. Their health is everything. And everything else is immaterial.

As ever, your way of looking at the world through a lens both astounds and inspires me. And what is it about Chicago and nutty public sculpture? The big reflective bean? And this? Cool place!

carmilevy said...

I'm so glad your son's turned for the better. Nothing frightens me more when I look at our own kids. Their health is everything. And everything else is immaterial.

As ever, your way of looking at the world through a lens both astounds and inspires me. And what is it about Chicago and nutty public sculpture? The big reflective bean? And this? Cool place!

Dave said...

Sad about the community Centre burning dowm Sue. And yes, I like the cheerful faces of sunflowers too - Dave

mrsnesbitt said...

Suzan - Special and Sensational as ever - so pleased Son is improving.

Lots of love, Denise ABC Team

Anonymous said...

sunflowers are the best in boosting up one's mood. they should be given to people in hospitals.

Penelope Postcards said...

I am glad to hear your son is fine now … that was a scary episode. Solomon certainly does have an expressive face and a very special name. Sometimes I thank our lucky stars for the silliness in the world to offset the sadness that also exists in our world.

Tina´s PicStory said...

nice S-pics! :)

Reader Wil said...

I am sorry to hear that your son was ill. How difficul t life is for Solomon. It must be a continuous struggle for life in Africa..
Thanks for your visit. There is a lot of barbed wire on buildings in Jerusalem, but I didn't see it on the Holy Sepulchre?
Wil, ABC Team.

Carver said...

I'm glad that your son is doing better. I love the shot of Solomon and am sorry about the center burning down. Life is so hard for so many. The sunflower is beautiful and this was a super post for S. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team

Reader Wil said...

Hi! Me again! The canvas because there was a ceremony going on in connection with Easter. We were there in the last week of March and it was nearly easter.

Leslie: said...

Love all your photos and glad your son is doing better.

Have a simply stunning week!

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

The shaft is SCARY, but the other photos are lovely.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Love your Esses.

Sad to hear about your friends in Africa. Hopefully the other team can help them a little bit while they are surveying.

Ann said...

I like all your "S" words, Solomon looks like he has a sweet spirit. I adore sunflowers--being our state flower it sure grows wild here. And those are some silly looking heads.....What were they thinking?

Hildred said...

Glad to hear your son is doing well, but so sorry about the problems in Kenya.

Hazel said...

You're right - Solomon is a beautiful Maasai man. Glad to hear your son is ok. A sunflower brings cheer. I like to think God has a special smile on it when He created flowers.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I'm So happy to hear that your son has had no further recurrence of his symptoms, and am hoping it was a once-only happening.

My thoughts are with Solomon and his community.

Your "S" words were great. You sure found some scintillating photos in your archives!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Always a brilliant post here! Now, for some reason, I never would've thought of sap, yet I encounter it enough in my life to have thought of it. Smart!

Annie said...

All of these are wonderful. Solomon has such an amazing face. Glad you son is doing better!

Rajesh said...

Good to know all is fine.

Carola said...

Fantastic post. Sad to hear this from Kenya. Wonderful sunflower shot. This is a great collection of so different images, very creativ mix. Awesome editing from the railroad one.
Glad that your son is better now.

TheChieftess said...

Soloman looks like a happy man, despite the hardships of his village!

The Poet said...

My friend,
There is no doubt that you are very talented with the camera. Glad to know your son is doing fine. My father always said, when your family is good, everything is alright. Great post as always. You always make it fun and educational.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a sweet smile!

S is for..
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Joy said...

The Solomon photo is wonderful, how sad to hear of their troubles. I like your sculpture shot against the high rise.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

the way you photographed the shaft doesn't look vertical

jane said...

Your pictures are very good as always - I especially like the shot of Solomon and also the Sunflower pic - how sad to hear the news about the community centre - however good news to hear that your son is feeling better - best regards - Jane UK

Wanda said...

Sue, so that you won't think I fell off the face of the earth...facebook.... I deleted my account. Will share reasons why when we talk. So if you want to send a message...send it to my email or call me.

Bob Scotney said...

That mine shaft is tremendous with colour that makes it stand out from the mundane.
Good news about your son. Good luck to him.

21 Wits said...

Hello from TP such amazing photos, and my what challenges your friends are living! Your silly photo as you called it, is really quite awesome, sorry I missed it when I was in Chicago!

Wanda said...

Sue ~ Lot of changes going on...I've opened a new blog to share short stories of my life and struggles, joys and tears.. Call it "Got a Minute or Two?"

check it out at

Tahoe is getting closer......

Lisa said...

I hope your son is doing better. Your shot of Solomon is great! Although we in the Western world take for granted that there is water whenever we need it. Thank you for the reminder that there are areas where water is sometimes a luxury.

Dina said...

Sad what happened to the community center.

So many interesting pictures here.

To understand the new canopy next to the Holy Sepulchre, see the Jerusalem blog of Tom Powers:

John Roberts said...

Top photo is a wonderful portrait!