Monday, May 14, 2012


I am hanging in there.
After a lovely Mother's Day dinner our son and daughter in law and
the REST of us went our separate ways.
Steve finished a photoshoot and was RETURNING with his wife,
when he felt sick and had to have his wife steer the car
while he worked the brake and they were safely off the road.
He then passed out and 911 was called.

Many tests have been taken and Steve spent the night in the hospital.
We are RELIEVED that a heart attack was RULED out.
Now we await answers and REMEDIES that will be needed for his

God is in control and He will REPAIR any thing
that needs REPAIRING.
Our Faith rests in the Lord and we know he is
in the best hands.
I REALLY appreciate all of your prayers and

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Beverly said...

When I read that Dave was at Kaiser, I wondered if he had problem with his mouth..if only. I'm so sorry to hear about Steve. Be reassured that I am praying for him and for you all! Hugs.

Karen Schmautz said...

You better believe I have been praying hard for them.

Bman said...

It would appear May has started out as a fairly full month...Thrive (& grateful house guest!), Amanda's Baptism, Uncle Dave's tooth extraction, Steve foray into the ER...sounds like you have used your monthly quota!! Time to Breathe :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree with Bman, 3 things have happened now so that should be that. sorry to hear all of this and will pray for Steve.
even with all this going on you did a great job with the R thing.
we don't have dial up. we have cable and our phone/cable/interent are all a package deal. which means we call anywhere in the USA for free for 40 per month. the modem has the phone and internet on it, and unplugging it doesn't bother the TV but no phone, also no phone if we have a power failure. of course it was my senior memory failure that lost bob phone.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Saying a prayer right now. How scary.

jel said...

y'all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Wanda said...

Oh my Sue...I agree you have a lot on your plate right now. Will keep all of you in our prayers, and especially Steve.

Hopefully this will all be behind you and you can enjoy Tahoe.

Sending love, hugs and prayers.

imac said...

Thoughts and Prayers have been sent my friend.

Anonymous said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. is steve your son?

Hildred said...

I do hope all will soon be well, - good thoughts and prayers for Steve.

Carver said...

I hope you get answers soon and my good thoughts are going out for him. Carver, ABC-Wed. Team

Gerald (SK14) said...

Hoping your relative gets rest and rapid recouperation.

Penelope Notes said...

I, too, wish Steve a speedy and full recovery. Such a remarkable and startling event will surely make this a day that will always be remembered!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Praying for a rapid recovery for Steve! May the rest of May pass by uneventful-you've had more than your fair share!

Annie said...

Wishing him a complete and speedy recovery!

The Poet said...

My friend, wishing Steve all the best. Your love along with everyone else's will help him heal. Thanks for sharing this emotional experience.

Anonymous said...

It seems like Steve's got great care and everything is going to be fine.

Jane and Chris said...

Just said a prayer.
Jane x

Reader Wil said...

My Australian daughter sent me a book dedicated to the Lord's Prayer. It's such a mighty prayer and it helps so much. I hope that for Steve everything will soon be better.

Roger Owen Green said...

That's a REALLY scary tale about Steve. Good thoughts for you all.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

The Poet said...

I forgot to mention earlier, if you're free, why not join me on Saturday June 2nd for the second Blog Hop Saturday! All you have to do is linkup, visit a few/all of the others in the Linky & just have fun. Hope you can make it!

Ann said...

Praying recovery will be arriving soon.

Hazel said...

Thank God heart attack was ruled out. I used to steer the car while husband works the brake.

"God is in control and He will repair anything that needs repairing" - I like agreeing with that.

Here's hoping for your son's full recovery.

MaR said...

Hope Steve gets well soon!! here's to a speedy recovery.

Chubskulit Rose said...

So sorry about Steve. Praying for his recovery.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Hilary said...

Oh how frightening. I'll keep your son and you in my very best thoughts, Sue. Please keep us posted when you can. Hugs to you.

Rajesh said...

Good to know that Steve is recovering. He will be fine very soon.

DawnTreader said...

Sorry you had such a scare - glad there wasn't a more serious accident. I hope all tests come out okay.

I love your "hanging in" picture.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Sending my very best thoughts to you, Steve and the rest of the family. Surely, all that positive energy from bloggers across the world will unite to restore his good health. Do keep us posted.

TheChieftess said...

Prayers to you and Steve...hope his recovery is fast and complete!

ChrisJ said...

Praying for your family -- Steve especially. Such a shock after a beautiful day.

Dave said...

Best wishes for your son's speedy recovery Sue - Dave