Monday, April 16, 2012


The theme word I chose for ABC Wednesday is NOTIONS.
I believe a NUMBER of people have the NOTION that teens spend
their Spring Break partying and just goofing around.

NOT so with the fabulous kids from our church.

Mexico over Spring Break proved differently.

The pictures I am posting show the reason over 800 of us went to
our NEIGHBORS to the South of us.

Beautiful, NEEDY people received much NEEDED food and supplies
to continue to live.

The NINOS touched our hearts and we wanted to help every one of them.

This family is taking ownership of their NEW home built by one of our
construction teams.
The local Pastors chose who would be getting a home this time.
Our teams were able to build 6 homes in 5 days, plus 2 school rooms
and various repairs were done on some of the Pastors homes too.

Here are our homes for the days we were in Mexico.
NEEDLESS to say it isn't the Hilton, but it was adequate for us.
Be sure to enlarge all the photos to see the detail.

Here is part of our fabuous Food Team, slicing and dicing to feed the
hungry troops when they returned from their day's work.
I may NOT be NIMBLE  NEXT year,
 but I won't say NO to helping feed the teams again.

Some of the photos were taken by our team photographer and others
were taken by me .

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Wanda said...

Just heartwarming, and marvelous. How I love your Mission Trips.

That first picture is priceless!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful and touching pictures,. I cannot believe how much you got built so very quickly!!! Well, as they say, many hands make light work! And what wonderful hands they are!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a blessing to these people and that is a lot of volunteers and a lot of houses built. a wonderful way to spend spring break by giving others a much need break in life. i can't understand why our govt pokes its nose in all the countries over seas and does nothing to help our next door neighbors in cuba, haiti and mexico. no wonder they flee across the borders.

Meryl said...

What a wonderful way to share and enrich...

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, every summer our church kids do a building mission. Yay!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful and great work you have done! Very important to help where you can.The world need people like you!

Luna Miranda said...

a noble undertaking...i'm sure you returned home with your hearts full of hope and gratitude. a great experience for kids, too. wonderful photos.

Carver said...

What a wonderful way for the teens to spend their spring break. I know the memories they made will mean so much more than other ways they could have spent the break. Great work you all did. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

jane said...

What a lot of work was completed in such a short time - lovely pictures - I am sure you must have been shattered on your return and I hope you feel better now Jane UK

jane said...

What a lot of work was completed in such a short time - lovely pictures - I am sure you must have been shattered on your return and I hope you feel better now Jane UK

Unknown said...

Awesome! These teens will never forget these experiences (even if they want too)!

EG CameraGirl said...

The kids are learning important lessons doing this! GREAT!

Annie said...

How wonderful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome. keep up hte good work. hats off to the teens and the not so teens for their charitable work with the needy neighbors the south.

Leslie: said...

How wonderful for you and for those who need you so much!

abcw team

Carol said...

Great photos of this wonderful mission trip. Your church is living the faith.

The Poet said...

My friend,
Powerful photos indeed. You know how to touch the human heart with deep emotions. Your heart we should all follow. GREAT JOB!!!

Hildred said...

Beautiful photos, and I am so impressed with your young people.

Dave said...

You all did a great job Sue, and I am sure the local people appreciated your efforts - Dave

Hazel said...

It's always wonderful to see church teens being responsible and having compassion for the less fortunate. God bless them. The nino is cute.

MaR said...

Notable pictures and powerful message.

N is for...

Hilary said...

What a beautiful thing you do, Sue. The photos are all so touching. Thank you for your kindness to all.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

What a wonderful thing to do. An unforgettable experience fo you and such warm pictures.

LeenaH said...

I can just agree with other`s words here!
You are just great Sue and so very admirable, i hope you will be able to these things still many years!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Kudos to you guys for spending the spring break on a very Noble and charity work.
Nursing to Nuclear Medicine
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Unknown said...

I love this so much. Thank you for serving these families! I am thankful you are willing to help. You make such a big difference in the world. Love to you!!

J.Rylie.C said...

God bless you for doing good to others.

Hope you can come by and see my NooK, thanks!

Lisa said...

The first photo is so compelling - wonderful shot!

KM said...

Wonderful! God bless you more :)

kc bob said...

Moving images Sue.

ChrisJ said...

What a wonderful way to spend Spring Break. I didn't realize it was such a large and well organized group. As for being as nimble next year I just say, do it while you can! My fibromyalgia has limited much of my exertion options since I retired, but thankfully I have found many other things I can do for the Lord. I have 20-25 a week in my Bible Study and that is such a blessing to me-- as well as to them I hope!

AphotoAday said...

"N"ice work!

Kerrie said...

Smiles on faces truly warms my heart. Praising God for the work of missionary's. I thoroughly enjoyed my stop at your blog and I'm looking forward to reading many more of your posts. I'd like to invite you to be my friend ッ and follow each other. Keep growing and glowing for God! May the Lord bless you richly. ✿KC