Monday, April 09, 2012


Its time for ABC Wednesday again.
Today's letter is " M ".
There is no other choice for ME but MEXICO.
I arrived back in the U.S. on Friday night with a slight case of the flu.
The MONTEZUMA'S revenge type illness hit a lot of the kids.
Fortunately the Doc gave ME something for it and I slept MOST of the 14 hour ride home.

I'm somewhere in that MASS of humanity in the first picture.

815 MAD cap teens and adults had an amazing week full of MEANINGFUL experiences.

Our MORNING  MENU was pancakes, oatmeal, and  eggs.
We MADE tons of pancakes and a gazillion pans of scrambled eggs and sausages.

These first two photos were taken by our trip photographer.
The last two by me.

Every day we cracked 160 Dozen eggs ... that's "MILLIONS"! 
Well, almost....
It was a great time to MAKE friends and just laugh a lot.

Here is the MAIN reason we were in MEXICO.
Isn't she beautiful?
Loving on her and giving people in her village supplies to MAKE their
lives easier was the best MOTIVATOR of all.
In the coming days I will post MORE photos.
This is about all MY energy level will allow right now.

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Olivier said...

superbe le dernier portrait, elle est si mignonne ;)

LeenaH said...

What you are doing is so admirable and important and also rewarding,I believe.

All the best to you Sue and yours!

Hilary said...

What a wonderful thing you do. Thank you so much for giving as you do. That little girl is adorable. Love the photo of the hot grill.

Dave said...

You all worked wonders there Sue. Well done. That little girl looks great too. Hope you are resting up now? - Dave

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the morning menu, the photo and the food on the menu and that is a megawatt smile on that little girl.

jane said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time - and helped a lot of people over there - best wishes for a speedy recovery - Jane UK

jane said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time - and helped a lot of people over there - best wishes for a speedy recovery - Jane UK

Carver said...

I hope you will feel better soon! Great shots and what an important project to be involved in. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

mrsnesbitt said...

Mesmerising! Thanks so much Suzan - take care now dear! Get better soon.
Denise ABC Team

MaR said...

Amazing mission and fantastic shots!

M is for...

Meryl said...

Sounds like a monumental trip in many ways. What an experience. So sorry you came back sick - hope you're feeling better. Inspirational M post!

Jane and Chris said...

What a memory making trip!
Feel better soon.
Jane x

EG CameraGirl said...

Perfect M for you to share with us!

Carol said...

That Mass of Humanity is awesome! You are living a meaningful life....

Leslie: said...

So sorry you were hit with the flu but at least it was at the end of your trip. HOpe you're feeling better by now. I love all your photos and can just imagine how wonderful the whole experience was. Lots of beautiful memories, I'm sure!

abcw team

imac said...

Wonderful thoughts and actions .

Barbara said...

I hope you will feel better soon, what a good thing to be doing.

ChrisJ said...

Wow ! What a lot of people you were. I had no idea there were so many of you. So glad you had this wonderful opportunity. God bless you all for all you did in blessing so many needy lives.

Roger Owen Green said...

I see you in the picture; OK, I don't, but it was cool that you were there.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Unknown said...

You spent your time there in a worthy way! Isn't it a great feeling to be able to help people? Have a wonderful week!

Hildred said...

Wonderful adventure, and all for such a good cause.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Can't wait to hear more about the motivation for such a mega mammoth trip!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what a big occasion to organise.

Reader Wil said...

How are you feeling now? Are you recovered from this disease? Thanks for sharing your experiences and photos. The little girl is very sweet.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABC Wednesday Team.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Well worth the trip even with the flu. I hope you are feeling better already.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

KM said...

The little girl is so pretty :) Sounds like you had a MEMORABLE time in Mexico ;)

Dropping by for ABC Wednesday.

Hazel said...

Glad you were able to sleep most of the 14 hours on your way home. Marvelous M photos.

Wanda said...

Sue, love your Mexico pictures.

I've been out of touch, as you know, but this week has started to feel normal again and I'm going to try to post more, and share again my life and thoughts.

Also, I noticed the "apron" in your last post.

BTW I responded to your comment on my Apron Blog in the comments. Something I'm going to try to do from now on.

Betsy does, and I really enjoy reading her responses.

More details on Tahoe's coming up. Yeah!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots.
I hope you have recovered now.

Lisa said...

Looks like a Marvelous trip. So happy you are bad safe and sound (sans Montezuma's Revenge). I'm sure your trip blessed many, many people.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

about the eyes watching you. i slept all my life until late 20's with my arms and legs in the middle of the bed, i could not let them hang off the edge because of what might be under there, including eyes. i would lay on my cot on my back stiff with my arms down by my side. it was the dark that did it, no night lights back then just dark and we lived in the country where dark is dark.

Tim said...

That was quite a picture of the kids. Looks like you had a great time with them!

Unknown said...

You are so amazing! I love what you do. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU for serving Jesus out loud. Love you to the moon!

Dawning Inspiration said...


So sorry you got the flu. Glad you were able to sleep on the way home.

And, oh wow - she's beautiful. I can see why you do what you do.