Monday, March 05, 2012


Today's ABC letter is " H ".
I HOPE I am going to be able to post this successfully to
my blog.
Something is HAPPENING to my computer.
Its doing all sorts of crazy things.
So, without further ado I'll get to today's photos.

HOW about this HAIRY and rather HIDEOUS claw of
a stuffed Grizzley bear?

HERE we HAVE the San Francisco City HALL.
Many situations HAVE found their way into the HEADLINES
from this place.
It certainly isn't a place that is HASSEL- free.
Did you see the HYPHEN between the two words?

In what is considered "The HAPPIEST Place On Earth,"
(Disneyland), I found this HUMEROUS sign on the Midway.
That's HAMM from the movie Toy Story.

Last, but certainly not least, is a wonderful photo of a really
HOT...HOT Rod.
Look at that shiney rim and fancy HUBCAP.
There is nothing HALCYON about watching this car race
at breakneck speeds.
The HARDWARE must be quite expensive to make it run.
Make it a HABIT to
HOP on over to my ABC sidebar to see what others HAVE
chosen for the letter "H".
HUNCH sometimes that my posts become a bit
HAPHAZARD and HACKNEYED to all of you.
I guess I will keep on sharing until I no longer feel
HAPPY doing it.

Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

I love your h's : )
You have such a unique perspective.
Thank you for sharing your positive outlook on the every day with me and so many others.
Sending a hug straight to California. Love, Becky

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love that hot rod! Hope you can get your computer fixed!

Wanda said...

You just keep coming up with fantastic pictures...I love your format, and look forward each week to see what you come up with.

Missed last week with my whirlwind trip...but will be back on target, if I can find a good "H".

Sending Hugs.

Dawning Inspiration said...

That's a HUGE claw there... yikes. Great fun watching you go through the alphabet again... !

Olivier said...

j'aime beaucoup la derniere, superbe flamme sur la voiture

Dave said...

I wouldn't like to meet that grizzly bear Sue. But that car looks great with its paintwork - Dave

Kate said...

Whew! I am certainly happy to hear that those claws are on a stuffed animal!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love those flames on that HOT hot rod. and the claw is amazing, never seen one up close and this is as close as i want to get. spectacular job with H and here is a HAPPY Hands Clapping for you

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say OH NO on the computer woes... or is it blogger woes

Lisa said...

Here's HOPING for a computer fix soon. Great shots this week. I love the flames on the hot rod, and like the others, am HAPPY the bear claw is stuffed!

Reader Wil said...

Many very appropiate H-words. The claw of the Grizzley bear looks very dangerous and is very impressive.

VioletSky said...

It may seem haphazard, but I get a lot of new ideas for the next round!

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Fun use of the letter H. Those claws are really something! Blessings, Debbie

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, I INSTANTLY recognized a couple of Toy Story creatures.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

imac said...

Crazy colours but great works of Art.
That claw would make a great back scratcher.

Anonymous said...

i love that paint job

henderson hill

Gerald (SK14) said...

I'm always happy to have your humorous haphazard hoovering hundreds of happenings.

Unknown said...

you are heaving a heap of heavy-duty H words at us!

Carver said...

Fantastic words and shots for H. I hope your computer issues will be resolved soon. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Hi, Debbie again. Thanks for coming by. I put a link to TPA on my post. It is basically a total blood thinner. You have to be perfectally still for at least 24 hours so you don't bump anything because you would actually blead out. It is a dangerous drug, 5% fataility, but given that or laying in bed for the rest of my life at 56 wasn't a question. Thanks for helping me make my post better. Debbie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Here is Hoping the laptop is fine. i do find that when I purchase one thing new, i have to purchase other things because of all the not compatible thing. good luck

Jane and Chris said...

The guy in the top picture needs a manicure!
Jane x

Penelope Notes said...

Those claws in your first picture certainly do look horribly sharp! Not very huggable, I’m afraid. :)

Leslie: said...

Never HALT your wonderful posts - it's always such fun to see what you come up with!

abcw team

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Hot diggity dog for the hot, hot, hot rod! Sorry your computer is misbehaving. Hope it has resolved itself by now (computer woes can be time consuming).

jane said...

Love your shots - especialyy that hot rod - great H blog - have a good week - Jane UK

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love the grizzly bear's claw! You probably caught a malware or virus that's making your computer act weird.

House in the Prairie
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Shammickite said...

Oooh that bear paw is very scary with those long claws. I hope never to meet a grizzly bear face to face. Luckily for me, they don't live in my neighbourhood!

The Poet said...

I don't think we could ever tire of your posts. I'm not too much of a sports car fan, but that hot rod in my driveway would sure set the neighbors' tongues wagging! LOL
Awesome post.
Thanks for sharing & visiting.

Your Heart

ChrisJ said...

Ouch! Look at those claws! The hot rod is definitely hot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am writing to you here hoping you can check your email on hubby computer. if you sign into blogger on his computer you can do your blog. I go to the nursing home at rich computer and sign in to google accoutn and my blog comes up on his computer just like at home.

Claudya Martinez said...

I was Happily married in that City Hall.

LC said...

A fantastic start and end to this H collection with visual treats in between!