Monday, February 20, 2012


Here we are on the twentyFIRST of  FEBRUARY posting
the letter " F ".
The FIRST photo is all about FALL in its FINERY.
There are FALL colored FEATHERS and FALLEN leaves.

I can't say this FOR a FACT,
But I think this is a FANCY piece of FARM equipment.
Perhaps it is a FERTILIZER spreader that helps FRUIT
and veggies grow out in the FIELDS and orchards.

The FATE of this FASHIONABLE sink with the FABULOUS
new FAUCET is questionable.

FALLING down FENCES tend to catch my eye.
I FIND I must (F)otograph them anytime I see them.
Do me a FAVOR and enlarge each picture to see the detail.

I FOUND an interesting thought to chew on FOR my
last "F" word.
"FEAR "...Is the darkroom where negatives develop.

Please FEEL  FREE  to go to the ABC link on my sidebar to
see what FELLOW bloggers have posted for the letter F.

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Olivier said...

toujours de belles series, j'aime beaucoup la derniere

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a fitting post for F and i love that fashionable sink shot. falling fence is a favorite to.

Kate said...

The feather and the fence are my favorites!

Annie said...

The fate of the sink made me laugh! That is a beautiful feather and an unusual color - nice brown.

Reader Wil said...

A wonderful collection of F words!
Thank you for your post.
Have a great Wednesday!
Wil, ABC Wednesday Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

I FIGURE that the pink sink was the FINEST of its time, but is now lying FALLOW.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tim said...

In the first photo, I really liked the combination of the feather with the brown leaf on the ground. Beautiful!

Lisa said...

Really terrific Fotos this week. I love old, rustic fences too. I laughed when I read, fashionable sink and then looked at the picture!

Carol said...

Great F photos. I like the farm equipment...and the pretty. I also like the feather shot!

EG CameraGirl said...

I especially LOVE the photo of the feathers but I think you are very clever to have found a falling fence. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This fence picture is so lovely, i think it should be hung someplace. Also the feather and leaf, funny how much alike in shape and color they are!

Hildred said...

Wonderful fotos and great f words...

Carver said...

I love the way falling down fences look, especially ones like the one you photographed. Always fun to spot a feather and my oh my what a pink sink. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

Anne said...

Gorgeous photos!!! And very creative entry for the letter F. I also love falling down fences. I'm intrigued by the fashionable sink too!

hamstergirl said...

it is nice hearing from you i wish i could go down to california more often. thanks for
writing me.
love sam

ChrisJ said...

I like the brown feather and falling down fence, but your comment on 'fear' stopped me in my tracks. Had to read it twice before it really sank in. Great thought there.

Rajesh said...

Excellent post for the day.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love that first shot of the feathers!

Forty Three

Chubskulit, ABC Wednesday Team

Hazel said...

"Fall in its finery" I love that. The fence photo makes me feel like I'm about to explore an enchanted forest far away. Love the feather too.

jane said...

The fence shot is my favourite too - the colours and shapes and the background woodland make the picture - what bird would have shed that feather?- Jane UK

jane said...

The fence shot is my favourite too - the colours and shapes and the background woodland make the picture - what bird would have shed that feather?- Jane UK

MaR said...

Always a fine collection! my favorite picture here is the second one, happy ABC W!
F is for...

Penelope Notes said...

Such a light and airy word, feather. I, too, wonder about its owner. The shade is such a wonderful soft shade of brown with a band of black. :)

Luna Miranda said...

a fabulous F post. the feather is beautiful.

LC said...

My favs were the farm equipment and fence. The contrast of bright greens and rich browns were so good I could almost taste them. I have been seeing a lot of fences lately on the blogs of "Friday Fences" participants, and have really loved some of them. But I think yours today is at the top of my list so far!

Dias Spot said...

perfect choices!

Joy said...

Beautiful composition of the fence, most atmospheric. I always love seeing feathers on the floor, I have to resist picking them up.

SavvyMama said...

pretty clever! I see lots of "F"s around...:)

Mildred said...

Wow! Great entry for F day with fantastic shots! Bravo!
Thnaks for sharing. And thanks for your visit and comment;o)

Happy day****

Dawning Inspiration said...

I love your "finds!"

Dave said...

That's an interesting selection of photos Sue. - Dave

say cheese said...

great photos for the f theme. love the 2nd photo.