Monday, January 09, 2012


Can you believe it?
Here we are at the end of ABC Wednesday .
ZED... the last letter of our alphabet, " Z ".
says he will read your palm and tell you the
It only costs a quarter!!

Don't you love all the brilliant facets of the ZIRCON?
The ZIRCONIUM almost picks up the fractles of light just
like the real thing.

This photo probably rates a ZERO in the good photography
but it works for the letter " Z ".
We captured the ZEPPELIN   ZIG  ZAGGING across the
sky during the twilight full moon.
I wish my camera had a better ZOOM lens on it.

Now here is another ZANY high heeled sculpture.
I love the ZEST of the artist that came up with this
Be sure to ZIP over to the link on my sidebar to check
out what others have posted for the letter " Z ".

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Hilary said...

Wonderful as always, Sue. And you even CanadianiZed the letter Z! :)

imac said...

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZuper post my friend

Olivier said...

j'aime beaucoup le mage Zambini ;)

Wanda said...

Oh my goodness, are we at ZZZZ!! I need to find something quick!!!

You have so many great Z's, I'll be happy if I can find one!!!

That "high" heel...Oh my feet hurt just looking at it. Ouch!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Please give your husband a belated Happy Birthday for me! I love your images here, Zambini interests me, but I go from one delight to the next with your pictures. I did n not know these flowers bloomed in the winter.i am just back from sick leave and catching up.

LeenaH said...

:) Again just brilliant post from you Sue!
Very happy 2012 to you and yours!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not get any zzzzzz while looking at all your zzzzzzz. very interesting and kept me wide awake. LOVE that silly heel

Carver said...

I don't think the photos are a zero at all. I think they are quite good. So many good z words you came up with.

Lisa said...

Zambini always makes me think of the movie "Big"! And OMG, look at those shoes! You always come up with the most unique take on the letters. I love seeing what you will come up with next.

Roger Owen Green said...

I just will NOT wear those heels!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gigi Ann said...

What wonderful choices for Z day.

Thanks for the visit today.

jill said...

You would not be able to walk far in those shoes,very colourful tho.Love Jill xx

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! You did the whole alphabet with style. :) Great work!

Gerald (SK14) said...

zippy za zoodah - great slection

Reader Wil said...

You are amazing! Always coming with these splendid photos and this time with this difficult letter "Z".
I hope you have a great week!

Leslie: said...

Oh my gosh! That shoe is gigantic! I cannot for the life me figure out how women can walk in shoes like that. I would literally fall on my face! lol

abcw team

Unknown said...

A wonderful accomplishment! I would never attempt an ABC post series.

Linda said...

Pure imagination . Love the high heeled shoe.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful choices.The last one I liked a lot.

magiceye said...

lovely takes!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Do you know the artist who did the high heel shoe?

I found my old friend who is an artist and now I am getting an interets.

he let me post his painting for my cause.

Anonymous said...

z reminds of the riddle "What goes ZZUB ZZUB ZZUB???".... A bee flying backwards !!

Like the post

Pheno, ABCW

J.Rylie.C said...

I like that shoe.

Zing is it for me. Hope you can visit and see. Have a nice day!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh that Zhoe looks so sharp and edgy hehehe.

Zodiac is one of my entries. Come see it when you get a chance. Thanks!

Lady In Read said...

oh, the Zeppelin! I will save that for the next round..have captured it zig zagging in the sky a few times..
love the Zs

The Poet said...

Those shoe heels seem to be all the rage today. I'm surprised women can even walk in those things without falling over!
Nice selection.
Thanks for sharing. Appreciate the visit too.

Zealous For Your Love

Dsole said...

Sue! the zeppelin!! wow!!
you had plenty of ideas with letter "Z". In Spain we called it "zeta" and it could be a zapato (shoe) for instance. Anyway, your pics are really originals!
have a great 2012!

Kim said...

Lots of fun "z" letters. I had a Panasonic Lumix until I got a Canon last year so I know the frustration with the zoom. Still, they take nice pix and here's the proof. Thanks for commenting on my "zoom" entry.

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific Z/s. The shoe sculpture fascinates me. It appears to have a sewing stiletto? Love the pictures.

Dave said...

Interesting photos Sue. That object you called a zircon has me baffled. I even tried searchning the interenet but kept getting the element zirconium. Maybe that object has that name because of it's crystaline appearance? - Dave

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

You win the award again! No one posted Zamboni though-that I can tell-they are those big machines that smooth out the ice for hockey and ice skating shows.

Suzy said...

Very interesting Zs. Thanks for visiting my blog.

jabblog said...

Fabulous captures! The shoe is amazing and the Zeppelin is unique.

Francisca said...

You siZZle! AmaZing how you made lemonade out of the lemon Zeppelin shot. :-)

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Did you know they used the Great Zambini in the movie Big with Tom Hanks ?? what a great entry to finish with