Monday, December 05, 2011


Again ABC Wednesday rolls around. Today's letter is " U ".
I'm calling this weeks theme,
The UNEVEN terrain of the Nevada park called the
Valley of Fire just begs one to USE their imagination.

The UMBER and red rock formations have remained
UNCHANGED for thousands of years.
I love the UNCANNY animals I discovered while at the park.

The ULTIMATE in UNBELIEVABLE rock sculptures is
this vintage car riding down the cliff.
The UNRELENTING winds and rain have created quite
a sight.
This is exactly as we saw it.
You have got to admit that it is both UNUSUAL and

75 steps went UP the cliffside so we could see these amazing
No one is sure what they mean but the Indians must have
thought they were important to climb UPWARDS so far.
I URGE you to visit my ABC link on the sidebar to see
what others have posted for the letter " U ".

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MedaM said...

What amazing rock formations and sculptures! Wonderful photos and interesting post!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

definitely in the amazing category and so pretty tow

imac said...

Super finds.

Hilary said...

A fine collection as always, and a unique method of sharing them.

MaR said...

Unique and unusual rock formations indeed!! loved your pics and post for U.

U is for...

Roger Owen Green said...

unusual indeed, and I would not want to climb them!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gigi Ann said...

I must say, those are amazing and unique rock formations. I love nature, nothing can top it. Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos today.

Hildred said...

Wonderful examples of uniqueness, - the unusual rock formations stand out so distinctly, - love the turtle.

Lisa said...

Now THAT would be an amazing place to visit! Quite the place to unleash your imagination. Really great adaptation of U-week.

Mrs.D said...

wow, love those formations...I saw a lot of those during our trip to grand canyon...very nice choice!

SavvyMama said...

wow! very interesting...:)

Reader Wil said...

These rock are unique and very beautiful. They trigger our imagination. I love the rockpaintings or petroglyphs. Great post!

Carver said...

The rock formations are fantastic and I enjoyed your photography and narrative.

Tumblewords: said...

I love that part of the world. It is full of magic and a special beauty. Thanks for sharing your stellar photos!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a treat!! Lovely images-I ALWAYS see thing sin rock formations like those. I was out at Chaco Canyon last week and saw some more. I think one of these days I will have to photograph just the things I 'see'. Always unique posts from you!

Ingrid said...

Love these red rocks !
ABC Team

Mildred said...

Wonderful entry for U day! Great shots!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy day****

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful rocks!

U is for Umbrella, please come and see. Thanks!

Joy said...

You have sculpted some great images with your camera. Thanks for showing more of this fascinating place.

Penelope Notes said...

The rock formation seen in the first photo reminds me of a puppy’s profile … unique, indeed!

raf said...

Indeed, a rock solid post for U today, photowannabe! Unquestionably, your vintage car is the ultimate though. All the best!

Lisa said...

Utterly Unique :) and a really, really cool post!

Anonymous said...

Unique photos and life there

Pheno, ABCW

Dave said...

Those rock formations do resemble things as you suggest Sue. Those drawings on the wall are interesting too - Dave

AphotoAday said...

Love that "turtle" in the second image.
Sure has been ages since I've visited the Valley of Fire...

Suzy said...

loved your post - so well written and the pics are great.