Thursday, November 17, 2011


It seems like overnight Fall has exploded at our house.
The glorious orange and red tree in our front yard looks
like it is glowing in the sunshine.

Even our backyard has a golden glow in the late afternoon.

Fallen leaves on our glass topped patio table make a
perfect place to display their colors.

The Crape Myrtle tree has a beautiful variety of color
in the shaft of sunlight.
As always, enlarging the photos will show more detail.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend everyone.
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kc bob said...

Alas, in KC all the leaves are gone and the sky is gray ... a bit of California Dreamin' going on in my head. :)

photowannabe said...

For some reason my blog got posted twice and I now have to figure out how to fix the issue.
I'm not so good at techie changes!!

Wanda said...

Oh my, our trees do look alike!! Love those oranges and reds.

Beautiful photos.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those leaves in the last picture look like golden coins! This is crepe myrtle leaves?? I have never seen any like this!

Hilary said...

Your foliage is beautiful, Sue. It's where we were about a month ago. It's mostly done here now. Thanks for sharing your brilliant colours.

imac said...

Magic - just like that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite today is the glass top table shot. really pretty

Anonymous said...

you did get some wonderful colors with the Lumex. I think it is the same one I got.

Dave said...

Lovely autumn colours Sue. I specially liked the orange-coloured tree - Dave

Shammickite said...

It seems that many bloggers are posting pictures of the glorious fall colours. Beautiful indeed. Most of the the trees around my neighbourhood are bare with the exception of the willows which are still hanging on.... but the next rainy windy night will probably blow them away too. But the good news is that we have no snow yet (knock on wood!) and I'm hoping the really cold weather will stay away for a few more weeks yet.

AphotoAday said...

Great shots! Seems like this year is more colorful than last--probably just my imagination.

Roe said...

I wish I can visit all the place at your picture there!! nice and it hard to explain......keep searching for other beautiful place !!!! bravo

Tim said...

Love your beautiful autumn photos! That first picture is my favorite - so brilliant in the sun.

Shammickite said...


LeenaH said...

Can you believe, but I thought earlier in the warm countries did not have so colorful autumn, fortunately I was wrong :)

And just now it`s snowing here, you were so right in your comment :)

Good beginning week to you Sue!

MedaM said...

We had a sunny day yesterday and I needed not anything more to make my mood better. Well, today is gray again but ok, here are your photos to make me feel comfortable while looking at them full of sunshine and autumn colors.