Monday, November 28, 2011


We have arrived at THE letter " T " in our TRIP around
THE alphabet.
I missed last week but am glad TO be back again.
Day holiday.
We TOOK a TRIP with some of our family TO Las Vegas
for a few days.
One of THE highlights was visiting THE Valley of FIRE.
THE TEMPERATURE was perfect and we had a chance TO
see a fabulous TABLEAU of TAN, gold and red colors
I guess I could be on a TANGENT about THE eerie beauty
of THE place.

TAWDRY parts of TOWN as we headed out TO THE
THE Stratosphere Hotel TOWER is a landmark seen
from all over.
Can you believe THAT THERE is a full sized Roller
Coaster on THE TOP of THE TOWER?
Its TERRIFYING for me TO even THINK about
riding it.

A TRIP THROUGH the resort casino malls is always fun
TO do.
THIS TRENDY clothing store certainly knows how TO
grab one's attention.
Do you see THE THIRD floor THREE?
I couldn't find THE number TWO THOUGH.

While we TRAIPSED THROUGH THE Las Vegas sights
we saw THIS TEMPTING sight.
gelato were offered TO TANTALIZE our TASTEBUDS.
At $6.50 a scoop we said No THANKS!
Be sure to enlarge THE photos TO see THE detail.
THEN TROT on over to the ABC link on my sidebar TO
see what others have posted for T.

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Tim said...

Your first photo for the letter "T" makes me recall some of my Southwestern US vacations from many years ago. It's beautiful out there.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The Valley Of Fire!!! Sounds like there could be NO perfect temperature! Is that a white sun behind the buttermilk clouds? So beautifully strange! And I love the ice-cream art! I'm thinking it is probably gelato..

Olivier said...

encore une belle serie de photos

Dave said...

That roller coaster wouldn't appeal to me either Sue. Neither would the gelato at that price - Dave

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would not even go up to the top of that tower much less get on a roller coaster up there. scarrryyy. the desert is beautiful, and sounds and looks like you had a great trip. glad you are back home safe and sound

LeenaH said...

Thank you for taking me with you in this trip Las Vegas, which is not to me a real thing but only something, what belongs only to movies :)

Colourful days to you Sue!

MaR said...

$6.5 a scoop? terribly expensive! loved your trip, thanks for sharing.

T is for...

Laura Bloomsbury said...

terrific time theme here. Enjoyed the tell-tale images too. Happy ABC wed

The Poet said...

I have to agree with Ginny about the Valley Of Fire.
Terrific post for this week.
Great photos!
Thanks for sharing & visiting. Your comment is appreciated.

A Trembling Flower And You

Francisca said...

TRUE to form, a TERRIFIC T post! THE gelato was a TRUE TEASER! (But $6.50 a scoop! That's double what I paid in Vienna! Ouch!)

J.Rylie.C said...

How terrific your choices of T words are!

School's Thanksgiving Feast

Dhemz said...

great composition...nice shot of the stratosphere...:)

Roger Owen Green said...

That's a very unconventional THANKSGIVING. Glad you enjoyed it.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for this wonderful series of photos! Have a great week!

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent post, as always. I wouldn't be tempted to get close to the roller coaster but the ice-cream looks promising - but not at $6.50 a scoop, I think. :)

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Why, I believe that the tantalizing gelatto you have pictured here is at the Bellagio! I've only been to Vegas once, but that gellatto was amazing!

Joy said...

Very artistic gellatto, I just been staring, and staring at it. But ouch what a price. The valley of fire looks much more beautiful, and free.

Penelope Notes said...

Yep … $6.50 IS a little much no matter how tasty the treat! I enjoyed reading your prolific tale of so many t’s. :)

Anna said...

The thought of that roller coaster has made me feel decidedly iffy . If I was brave/foolish enough to have a go, I certainly would not be able to tackle one of those delicious looking ice- creams afterwards. Thanks for the Las Vegas tour :)

Lisa said...

The Stratosphere Hotel Tower is an awesome shot! It makes me dizzy to look at it, but I love the perspective. But, of course, the best one is the tempting treats! Good thing it doesn't cost to look! :-)

Carver said...

Wonderful shots and terrific arrangement of T words throughout this post.

Meryl said...

I just love gelaTo!

Wanda said...

What a great array of T's, and they tell a great story of a great trip. Sometimes it's nice not to have the traditional Thanksgiving.

Wonderful pictures.

Gigi Ann said...

Wonderful T post again this week. It looks like you had a terrific trip. The pictures were terrific also.

Rinkly Rimes said...

A terrific tally of Ts! As for that funfare on top of a skyscraper.......
just the thought makes me shudder.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful. What a coincidence this week letter is 'T' and Thanksgiving is here.

Kim, USA said...

Wow that's a lot of T. And love the display of dresses. ^_^

Christmas TREE

Hildred said...

Really, - on top of the tower? A roller-coaster? WOW. not for me.

Hazel said...

That dear huh... I would say the same thing. Tableau of Tan sounds so artistic.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Glad you're back! Love that sky shot.

Tooth Fairy please come and see it when you get a chance. Thanks!

ChrisJ said...

Oh you have been busy again! You have such an active brain and fantastic vocabulary.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

I really enjoyed the trip you took me on with this post - it was so great

Linda said...

I've never been to Las Vegas , but have been to canyon country and the tans, oranges and reds are spectacular.

Linda said...

What a fascinating trip.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

what a lot of Ts, you certainly worked very hard on this. I am a teacher. I grade you excellence.

Ingrid said...

Lots of T's, lol ! What do you use next time ??

Suzy said...

Awesome post and lovely pics. The ice-cream looks Divine. Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for visiting my blog.

LeAnn said...

You made good use of the T! I had to smile because I had not considered the Turkey and Thanksgiving reference, which should have been obvious. :) By the looks of the pictures you have been having some fun!