Monday, October 31, 2011


Welcome to ABC Wednesday. We have arrived at the
letter " P ".
I have PERCEIVED that PUBLIC PHONE booths have
gone the way of the PLATYPUS.
They are PARTICULARLY hard to find.

This PAIR of PONIES (neither of which are PALOMINOS
or PINTOS) are very PLACID while PATIENTLY waiting
at the PHONY POST Office.
Did you notice that they are standing PARALLEL to each

I won't be PUSHY or give you any PALAVER.
Jean PHILIPPE'S PATISSERIE in Las Vegas creates, with
PANACHE, the most delictable PARCELS of yumminess.

It is POSSIBLE that this is the biggest PAINT brush I have
ever seen.
There is a full POT of PAINT beside it.
We passed this PAINTED wall PICTURE on a Disneyland
The Roger Rabbit Ride is PERFECTLY PECULIAR.
Enlarging each PICTURE will show more detail.
PLEASE leave a POSITIVE comment and then POP
over to the ABC link on my sidebar to do the same
for the other PEOPLE.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the ponies and the Disney picture! Don't know where you found those phone booths!!!

LeenaH said...

Your post made my day - again :)
Because it is a foreign writing it really makes my brain working, which is a good thing especially in this age ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love love love the pair of ponies at the post office. and where in the world did you find that many phones? i have not seen a public phone in years. and this is a whole gathering of them. great shot of them. as always you did a super job for today's letter

Mrs. Me said...

I also noticed that the Ponies were Perpendicular to the Post they were attached to. Fun shots and great descriptions. :O)

Hilary said...

Perfect.. as always. As much as I love your Photography, your Playfulness with the English language is Particularly Pleasing.

Carver said...

Perfect choices for P. Those ponies are very pretty.

imac said...

Great pics and post.
Very arty the paint brush.

Nanka said...

So very interesting and a perfectly done P-day post!! The pictures are superb especially the parcels of yumminess!! I liked the phony post office :) it looks like a movie set!! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I especially love the ponies and also that huge paintbrush. Phone booths are hard to find, that's for sure.

Gigi Ann said...

That was Positively delightful. I loved each and every Picture.

Roger Owen Green said...

yes, phone booths ARE hard to find!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I am surprised to see such a plethora of public phone booths! In this day and age of cell phones, it seems unneeded.

Leslie: said...

Always a great PLEASURE to come by and see your POSITIVE POSTS and how alliterative you can be. lol Have a PHENOMENAL week,

abcw team

MaR said...

I love the pastries :) and all your choices, indeed. Happy week ahead!

P is for...

Chronicles of Illusions said...

so many great shots - loved it :)

MedaM said...

Another beautiful and interesting series of photos! I so much like the second photo with the pair of ponies and the wall picture; interesting details and beautiful colors on it.

Leontien said...

haha whooooo loved your "p" Post!!!

big hugs

Reader Wil said...

What a wonderful collection of p words! And the photos are excellent as ever. I hope that you'll have a great week.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, where to start! A perfect P Post. A pay phone, unwired, is in my garage. And you undoubtedly found the largest paint brush. Phony post offices are hard to find, too. Guess I could put one in my garage - No horses, though, please. I loved your post and patter!

Kerri Farley said...

P erfect!

Hazel said...

What a nice P post! I enjoyed it so much. I honestly need to google palaver. Have come across the word somewhere but completely forgot the meaning. Should be good exercise. A nice day to you.

Hildred said...

Lovely creative Ps - we still have public phones in our village, but not the old fashioned phone booths, - much less privacy now.

Dias Spot said...

oh,my! I love your composition!

Kim, USA said...

I like the red old box telephone booth. And you are right it gets harder and harder to find them. I think everyone has their own cellphone and some don't have a home phone now ^_^ Happy Wednesday!

Francisca said...

Photowannabe... there is nothing wannabe about you! Positively Perfect Playful P Post!!

Ingrid said...

Love the phone boots picture ! Looks so funny !

raf said...

A particularly pretty photowannabe post. Love it, but please pass the pastries post-haste!

Lisa said...

Phone BOOTH? What the heck is that? :-D Yes, a dinosaur for sure these days. Love the ponies and especially the ginormous paintbrush!

Tim said...

Great observations and creativity. And I love the ponies!

Scriptor Senex said...

You've worked really hard that post - thank you.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Perfect PICKs for P! Late visiting from ABC Wednesday!

Hand and Foot Prints is my P, please come and see.

ChrisJ said...

A wonderful post as usual. Those pastries on the right -- the heart shaped ones, I've forgotten what they're called, but they are my favorites!! Your layout is terrific. I especially like the white borders around the photos.

LC said...

Particularly pleasurable P photos.