Friday, September 02, 2011


The quote by Melody Beattie is so simple yet profound.
To be content with what I have and know that it is enough,
This is my prayer.

Enlarge the photo to see this more clearly.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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Beverly said...

A wonderful thought and a beautiful photo.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That's a wonderful quote and I totally agree! Thanks also bring joy. What is that soft pretty flower?

John Roberts said...

I love the photo and the quote!

Hilary said...

A lovely pairing, Sue.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

most Americans have no clue what this means or how to do it. beautiful quote and photo

Dawning Inspiration said...

So true!!!

Dave said...

A nice quote Sue - Dave

Bill said...

How true

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Beautiful reminder of the abunance we have in life and how our attitude can change our lives
Johnina :D

Meryl said...

Lovely hodgepodge of H's. Those heels are really high...I can't walk in them!