Thursday, September 22, 2011


After the most exciting day today....NOT!
I decided to just play around with a few photos.
Who knows you may see some more.
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Hilary said...

Photo play is fun... and probably the name of a movie magazine in the 50s. ;)

Lovely pic, Sue.

Unknown said...

I thought it was fascinating.
Have fun playing : )
You will love the interview girl this week. She is a photoshop genius.
You are a life genius!
You make every day great! Love, Becky

Olivier said...

bien vu le detail de cette vieille voiture, j'aime bien la sensation de la rouille que l'on ressent dans ta photo

jane said...

Looking forward to next pics - I am going on a Photoshop course next month so hopefully will be trying a few things out - Jane UK

LC said...

Love your "playing around." This photo should be reproduced large for a room's focal point.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

keep playing and keep posting, i love it.

jel said...

hope this means ya r feeling better!

very cool photo :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

Interesting picture, I notice there is a wheel on top of the fender!

Balaphoto said...

Excellent shots!!! Congrats!!

Salut, Francesc

Dave said...

This looks like an old beaten-up truck Sue. I'd like to see the rest of it - Dave