Monday, August 15, 2011


I can't come to ABC Wednesday and the letter " E " without including ELVIS.
Unfortunately he EXPIRED far too EARLY to really ENJOY his lifestyle.
ELVIS was on of my favorite singers,
ESPECIALLY in his younger years.
This statue was outside a very ECCLECTIC collectibles shop.

Talk about EXORBITANTLY wealthy.
This store was so EXTRAVAGANT and ELEGANT.
I think only the very ELITE could afford to ENTER the store.

I love the multiple EIFFEL towers in the windows of the
Crystal Mall in Las Vegas.
I think my Hubby did an EXCELLANT job of capturing
the ESSENCE of France.

The ESCALATOR in the mall made an interesting photo op.
The stairs were quite steep and I think the ELDERLY would
have a difficult time EVALUATING and ESTIMATING the
stairs moving upward.
I have EMPATHY for them.
Sometimes its difficult riding them,
So I take the ELEVATOR.
Don't forget to go to my link on the sidebar and see what EVERYONE
has posted for the letter E.
photo will show more detail.

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kc bob said...

You simply cannot go wrong using Elvis for "E"!

Kansas Bob
Fighting Captcha since 2005

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love those Eiffel tower reflections!! And that escalator, oh my. I have trouble with even a slow one, I know of seniors who have really hurt themselves on these things.

LC said...

I love how you capture intriguing images in such a variety of locations and in unusual ways!

Roger Owen Green said...

Excellent choice, since it's the anniversary of Elvis' death this week.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

You did a great job with the letter E. I enjoyed the words and shots.

MaR said...

Oh, Elvis! what a fantastic choice for E!!

E is for essential

Gigi Ann said...

Love Elvis music. I have a Music blog, he appears there today. And you never can go wrong with pictures of the Eiffel Tower, love the reflections, lovely.

Sylvia K said...

What a fun, terrific post for the E Day! Definitely can't go wrong with Elvis! And what a great collection of E words! I love it! Hope you have a great week!


Nanka said...


B i r g i t t a said...

Of course E is for ELVIS - good choise! Why didn't I think of it!!!!
I <3 ELVIS :)

Lisa said...

Perfect choice since today is the anniversary of his death. So sad. Such a fantastic talent.

Leslie: said...

Interesting how you remembered Elvis today - isn't there a vigil today to commemorate his death? Love all your photos!

abcw team

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous. love the mall shots, the tower and the escalator... would be scared to even walk in that store. might die from sticker shock

Rajesh said...

Wonderfully thought off. There can not be an 'E' without Elvis.

Kathy said...

And today (Tuesday, Aug. 16) is the 34th anniversary of Elvis' death!

Wanda said...

Wonderful statue of Elvis...I loved his early music too, especially his slow ones.

All the photoes are magnificent really have an eye!!!

Hildred said...

Wonderful E's and great photos. Nice perspectives.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such elaborate collection of Es, love it!

Tumblewords: said...

Astounding photos! Yes, Elvis has been one of my favorites too!!

Reader Wil said...

Brilliant choice for E! With great photos.

Shooting Parrots said...

The multiple Eiffel Tower effect photo is excellent!

jane said...

Two of my favourites Elvis and the Eiffel Tower - lovely shots - have a good week - Jane

Francisca said...

You really are one of the most ENTERTAINING stops on ABC Wed... and you are right, your hubby's multiple capture of the Eiffel is EXTRAORDINARY!

Joy said...

Elvis lives, great music. Love the 'Eiffel tower' shot. An wonderfully extravagant E.

Dhemz said...

love what you did with the letter E....:) awesome composition!

Kim, USA said...

I love Elvis too and too bad he is gone before I really know his songs. Thankfully I could listen and watch him on You tube. I never thought that he has many gospel songs which I do love to sing. Thanks for the post I like it and the visit too ^_^


Jay at The Depp Effect said...

A very extravagant collection of Es! I love the Eiffel Towers 'mosaic' reflection.

And yes, Elvis was wonderful in his youth. So sad the way he ended.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Excellent as always! Extraordinary too! The words escape me to put it any more eloquently.
Need I say more? ; )

Shammickite said...

I loved the "young" Elvis. I saw all his movies and I had a reel to reel tape recorder and recorded all Elvis' sons from my friends records. I never saw him in person as he never came to England. The "Vegas" Elvis wqs just a caricature of his former self. Such a shame.

Hilary said...

You always do such an excellent job of putting these posts together. I especially like the tower reflection so kudos to your hubby too.