Saturday, June 18, 2011


I'm wishing a special Happy Father's Day to my Honey, Dave.
You are a great Dad to our two sons and a good example
of what a Father should be.
Love you bunches!
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Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, we must not forget our wonderful husbands on Father's Day!

roentare said...

Thank you for reminding me of this special day. I gonna rush to buy gifts

Wanda said...

Nice picture of Dave. So glad we are friends and our hubby's enjoy each other as much as us.

Took some time to write a real personal message in Don's card.

Love you too Sue...

AphotoAday said...

Looks like a great guy.
And yep, fathers can teach their sons how to be fathers, but in my case I never had any children -- but I'd like to think I'm a real good dad to Kitty... Happy Dads Day to all dads, of all types, everywhere...

Shammickite said...

Hi Dave! Nice hat!
Have a great Father's Day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy fathers day, Dave (honey)this is a really good photo.

LC said...

Good words and thoughts!

Kate said...

Terrific tribute!

Hilary said...

Sweet. Happy day to you both. :)

ChrisJ said...

My goodness! He looks so much like my husband! We have to celebrate Father's Day next week, since he is away. He also has a birthday to celebrate and there are two more family birthdays to celebrate, so we're going to have one big bash.

Dave said...

Hi Sue. Please wish Dave a happy belated Fathers Day from another blogger. Our Fathers Day is later in the year - Dave