Saturday, May 07, 2011


My Mom and Mother in Law on our wedding day.
This photo was taken in 1964.
I miss Mom alot. Its been 15 years since her passing.
I'm greatful for the Godly upbringing and the love that
was given me.
I'm proud to be her daughter.
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Ginny Hartzler said...

A lovely picture. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was married in 63 and lost my mom in 1990, she was 63 when she died. thanks for sharing and Happy Mothers day

Wanda said...

Wonderful picture Sue...looks very much like my wedding picures...Of course Don is much shorter than Dave.

I think it's great we found out we were married by the same Pastor. Rev. Roberts.

Happy Mother's Day... I miss my mom too she passed in 91.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Moms are such special people. I am glad you honored her. Beautiful.

grandaughter #1 said...

that pictures still wierds me out on how much we look a like. Strange... ;0)haha. luv you grams.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Happy Mother's Day to you... I'm glad you have good memories of your Mom...

Dave said...

A nice memory for Mothers' Day Sue. A nice photo too - Dave

Tim said...

Photos like these are precious! And moms are special people.

Kate said...

This is a great Mother's Day tribute. I'm sure she'd be proud of you for carrying on the spiritual tradition.