Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We are now at another ROUND of ABC Wednesday.
Today's letter is " R ".
This picture shows one of the REASONS I need REST and
The mass of RED shirts are worn by 650 RIGOROUS students
and leaders which we fed at our RUSTIC camp in Mexico
this year.

Before Mexico I visited Nashville, Tennessee with my very special
blogging friend Beverly.
We ate at the RED ROOSTER RESTAURANT and had
REALLY delicious ROASTED chicken.
No comment about wheather it was the REMAINS of a
ROOSTER or not.....

The Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville had ROW upon
ROW of Entertainers Gold and Platinum RECORDS on display.

Elvis REMAINS one of the top RECORDING artist of all times.
He is REVERED in the Country and Gospel field.
Here is one of his RECORDS that gained Gold status.
It is on the RCA RECORD label.
Even though he is celebrated in the Country Hall of Fame,
I think most people think of Elvis as being the King
of ROCK and ROLL.
REMEMBER to enlarge each photo is see the detail.

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Dawning Inspiration said...

maRvelous job!!!

Sivinden said...

Really many R-words!

Unknown said...

You always come up with the best ideas : ) You aRe a SupeR staR!
XO, Becky

Lisa said...

I'm tired just looking at the first photo! You did a great job incorporating a bunch of Rs into R-Day! Nicely done.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'd love a gold record; of course, I'd have to DO something to earn it!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

EG CameraGirl said...

It sounds like you had a great time! Wish I had been there too. :)

Reader Wil said...

This wall with the many gold disks is actually beautiful. I always thought that gold disks were a sort of ugly, but this is good. I saw your reflection in the bottom photo.
The rooster looks very powerful!
Have a wonderful week.

Gigi Ann said...

Elvis is one of my favorites. I do have a country album of his I enjoy listening to once in awhile.

Hilary said...

You play with the alphabet more creatively than anyone I know.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Really marvelous post! I love that red rooster and am floored by all those students in red shirts!
I wonder if the current day albums up on the wall are depicted as CD's or are they still depicted as LPs?

Wanda said...

Oh Susan, great R words. I had to laugh because one of my pictures is me in front of a huge rooster that looks a lot like yours.

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific post for the R Day with a great list of R words! It sounds as though you had a marvelous trip and what fun for the students! A super star you are indeed! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!!

ABC Team

J.Rylie.C said...

I love being part of ABC, it enRiches my vocabulaRy. You choice of R is teRRific!

Would you mind to visit my R post, please?

Hildred said...

Really interesting post, - I am quite bemused by all the hard work the first photo represents, but I'll bet it was fun as well.

Tumblewords: said...

Surely a huge group of red-shirted people! A really fine R post!

Rajesh said...

Terrific choices.

Shammickite said...

You do get to visit some interesting places, I'd love to see all those gold records on display in Nashville! And that's a splendid Red Rooster. I bet he'd be very loud in the morning if he was real!!!!

Kate said...

You always manage to post an array of good selections for this meme. I particularly like the red rooster!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one giant sized rooster. sounds like a fun trip

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

What an interesting post.

Diann said...

Great R post! All those gld albums are amazing to see all together! Have a great day!

Amanda said...

Some great 'Rs' in there

Kay L. Davies said...

Absolutely, Elvis IS rock'n'roll (with two Rs).
Wonderful contribution for ABC Wednesday's R day!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Joy said...

Elvis rocks, no matter the genre. The "little red rooster" would have to be in a blues hall of fame. A rich selection for R,

Carver said...

Great post for the letter R.

Beverley Baird said...

Love how you create such a great story with each letter! Love the rooster and Elvis the best!
Take care!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Those are perfect Rs!

Dave said...

What a fascinating blog Sue. That's a lot of faces to feed! I was very interested also in Elvis' gold or platinum record and the Hall of Fame. - Dave

Dhemz said...

oh my! lots of Rs around here...sorry for the late visit...glad to be here.

Francisca said...

You ROCK, photwannabe! :-D