Monday, March 21, 2011


Today we are at the letter " J ".
I seem to have posted quite a JUMBLE of " J " words.
Did you ever see such JUMBO eyes on a frog?
He isn't real.
If you JABBED him he would pop!

I think someone was a bit JIGGLY when they painted the
emblem on this old truck.
I guess it stands for the elephant
called JUMBO.
If we were going to use the Swahili word for hello we could say...
JUMBO to JUMBO. The hello word is pronounced JAWMBO.
Kind of JAZZY sounding, isn't it?

When we visited fellow blogger Wanda at Lake Tahoe , she
suggested we take a look at a carving on the way back to the main road.
Perhaps someone used a JACK KNIFE to cut the full figure
of JOE Montana.
This is a pretty good likeness carved from JUST one tree.
He was the moving force on the San Francisco 49ers Football Team.
JOE led the team on a wonderful JOURNEY to victory.

JACK Sparrow, from the Pirates of the Carribean seems to
be living the JOIE DE VIORE at Disneyland.
I would say he's a JAUNTY likeness of JOHNNY Depp.
Be sure to JOIN the other bloggers and enJOY their posts
for the letter " J ".
JUST JAB the ABC link on my sidebar.

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Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I had to enlarge the pirates to see the resemblance to Depp. Very good! But that guy on the left looks more like a stray leprechaun than a pirate. I love the frog, so he's a balloon?

Unknown said...

Wow. He does look like Jonny! Awesomesauce! I love how creative and fun you are. You always come up with the best posts! The very best!

Marvin said...

"J" to the max. I think the frog is cool too.

Hilary said...

I could have sworn that that frog would JUMP if jabbed. ;) Great photos and always fun descriptions.

Olivier said...

j'adore la grenouille ;))

Merisi said...

your ABC posts are out of this world,
I am in awe how you manage to surprise us with the most inventive ideas and beautiful images, letter after letter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

JAWMBO to you, love that word and also that Jumbo eyeball in the first photo. you did it again, lots of different Js'

Kate said...

Hi Sue, good to hear from you. Left a message for you on my blog today in response to your question.

Bettey said...

Awesome collection of J's!!! Thank you for your vote for my Portland photo ;)

B i r g i t t a said...

I liked your J-post a lot :)

Nanka said...

Delightful post and loved the last photo the best...Jack Sparrow look alike!!....and who doesn't like that adorable pirate!!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific post for the J Day and the pirate does indeed look like Depp!! Lucky him! Fun one with lots of smiles for the day! Hope your week is going well!

ABC Team

Carver said...

What a great post for the J day. I enjoyed all of your photographs and narrative!

kc bob said...

What a wild and imaginative post about "J" words. I can also think of one other name that begins with "J". :)

Reader Wil said...

Yes you are very creative with words! I agree with "Life with Kaishon".

Leslie: said...

It's always a treat to see what you come up with each week. Loved this post and actually thought that was a real frog! lol Have a jolly good week,


Tumblewords: said...

Jolly good post!!

Gigi Ann said...

Always a pleasant read each week. Liked that Joe Montana tree. Thanks for visiting my ABC post today.

Roger Owen Green said...

Joe looks so out of place!

Great wordplay in the narrative!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

J.Rylie.C said...

Very interesting J and so pretty too.

Please come and meet the J's in my Family, hope to see you around, thanks!

Joy said...

Almost looks like a real tree frog, if they bounced. Must have taken some days to carve Joe, such patience, worth a trip to see. Great collection of J.

Wanda said...

Sue, how fun to see "Joe" in your selection of "J's". As always your verbage and your pictures bring a smile each week!

I've secretly have liked Jack Sparrow...opps, it out...Really liked him in Chocolat!

LC said...

Your J photos put me in quite a jocular mood! Way to go!

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

Lovely Post.. My wishes!

Hildred said...

A lot of wonderful J's, - enJoyed every one of them

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Oh boy! Every single image is eye candy! Just jumping for joy over it all!

Rajesh said...

Fantastic collection of words. You always amaze me.

Gattina said...

Very creative J post !

Meryl said...

Great J Jaunt!

Thanks. I particularly enjoyed learning "Jawmbo"!

Amanda said...

Some great J's!

Cezar and Léia said...

How funny, you play very well with the letter J! Bravo!
And Jack Sparrow is a plus here!I'm a big fan! heheheh
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Lisa said...

I've seen photos of tropical frogs with eyes like that. Amazing. And that is an amazing likeness of Captain Jack Sparrow. Can't wait for the new movie to come out!

Shady Gardener said...

Jolly good collection of J's. :-)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love these J words along with perfect shots.

frog is handsome.

Dave said...

That's a well carved tree Sue. That is happening here now too and looks great if done by a skilful person - Dave

Cildemer said...

A fantastic post with great photos! Enjoyed it very much!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy day****

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love the things you find for the alphabet photos... such fun!

Shammickite said...

Just lovely.
I love the carving of Joe Montana! My son wrote to him and sent him a football card for him to sign and got it back with joe's signature 11 months later! I'll have to post about that one day.