Monday, January 24, 2011


"B" is the letter of the day for ABC Wednesday.
BUDS are BEGINNING to BASK in the BEAUTIFUL January sunshine.

Some of the BUDS are aBOUT to BURST into BLOSSOMS.

hanging from our tree.

The BARE BRANCHES seem to have BURR covered "ornaments"
hanging from the BARREN BARK.

sure to enBIGGEN each shot to get the full effect.

I BEG you to BUCKLE down and BOOGIE over to the ABC link on my sidebar to see
what other BLOGGERS have posted for the letter " B ".

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Unknown said...

B is for brilliant : ) Love your pictures and your ideas!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The last picture, I just took one EXACTLY like it!!! how can anything bud in the middle of winter? But I'm glad you found those pictures!

Olivier said...

Ah cela commence a sentir le printemps, les bourgeons sortent

Wanda said...

I have to agree, B is for your brilliant pictures, but even more your darling narrative!!!

Andy said...

Nice choice for today's post. In my area it is -9 Celsius today. I am looking forward to spring.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those brilliant bare balls hanging from the limb.

Nanka said...

Loved the bursting buds and the brilliant billion bristly brittle balls on the bare barren branches!! Thats a whole lot of B's rolling out!!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific B choices for the day! Love your photos as always! We're a long way from buds here in Seattle, but I'm keeping my eyes open for the first one!!

ABC Team

Beverley Baird said...

Buds in January - how sweet is that! We've got mounds of snow!
Great B post for the week!

Rune Eide said...

Thos Buds are sight that I look forward to :-)

Roger Owen Green said...

My father used to love painting barren trees.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Francisca said...

Another Brilliant ABC post, photowannabe, both the images (especially the last one!) and the story!

Reader Wil said...

Beautifully brilliant! The bottom photo looks like being decorated with those balls hanging on the bare branches. I 've never seen such balls before!

Leslie: said...

Isn't it exciting to see these early buds that excite us about springtime! Lovely pictures and a great take on our theme of B this week.

Gigi Ann said...

What a delightful tree with the big bristly brittle balls. I bet they are fun to pick up.

Carver said...

Great words and photographs. I love buds. They hold such promise of things to come.

Carmen Troncoso Baeza said...

Great work!!

Tumblewords: said...

How exciting to see buds in January. Great shots and fun narrative, as always!

Hildred said...

Marvelous, a great collection of B's and beautifully photographed. You are away ahead of us, - all I could find was a few pussy willows thinking about swelling.

Shady Gardener said...

I Believe creating this post was fun post! Buds in Iowa are still tightly closed. :-)

Cheryl said...

Ain't nothing budding here on the east coast. Nice to see some awesome buds somewhere!

ABC Team

Dawning Inspiration said...

One of these days I'll have to join in on the ABC images... looks like you have such fun!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful images and choice of words.

Marvin said...

I've been known to blurt out blue words when I've blundered upon sweet gum balls while barefooted.

Great post!

Chubskulit Rose said...


B for Broken Plate, come and see.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Love the burr ornaments! Great shot! It's not too early for buds? I guess maybe not in your neck of the woods...

Barbara said...

Great pics for B day. What are those bristly things?

ChrisJ said...

Lovely bud and tree shots. You've surely made a new word with 'enbiggen'. Love it!

The hanging bristly balls can be dried, spray painted gold and made into Christmas tree ornaments.

Rosie Gan said...

Nicely done...I like it.

Gattina said...

Sigh ! I wished it would start here too !

Serline said...

Buds appearing already? Spring must be just around the corner...

LC said...

Buds of hope for spring!

B i r g i t t a said...

Lovely B-entry! Like it a lot :)
I long very much for the Buds to Burst out in Blooming :)

Yoshi said...

Buds will be opening soon. Hope that the spring is just at the corner.
Great B entry for ABC Wednesday.

Vicki said...

I agree with the brilliant comments too! Great pictures and wonderful "B" words.

Joy said...

I feel quite cheery now I've seen your buds, spring is coming. Lovely photos.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I believe it. Our rhododendrons and azaleas are actually blooming, if you can believe it.

Snow Leopard said...

Ahhh...number of B's...I hope they don't sting. :P
The Buds are the bringer of new life. :)

Dave said...

If these photos were recently taken Sue I can't believe that you spring is this close! We are still in summer down here - Dave

Johnny Nutcase said...

i really like the last shot - looks like christmas ornaments! :)

kc bob said...

Those buds remind me that spring is just around the corner.

LisaF said...

Oh my! If our trees were to bud now, they'd regret it! Temps are still well below freezing. But the little buds make me really look forward to spring!


We have those bristly balls that drop off when most of the leaves have shed! What kind of tree is that? The leaves look similar to a maple tree. I've never seen these before, and our trees been around for at least ten years. They're not fun to step on, that's for sure!!