Monday, December 13, 2010


I am VALIANTLY making my way to the end of the alphabet
for the 4th, or is it the 5th time?
Today its the letter " V ".
Aren't these VARIED and VIBRANT VEGETABLES yummy looking?

This VARIEGATED floor tile gives me VERTIGO.

The VERTICAL VIEW of the ceiling at the
VENETIAN Resort and Casino is a sight to behold.
Its like VIEWING the Masterworks of Italy without going on VACATION.

Several years ago my husband and I were in Niquinomo, Nicaragua.
We were able to VISIT this georgous VOLCANO crater.
The land around the crater was so VERDANT and VERY beautiful.
Now, don't VACILLATE and please VAMOOSE
over to the ABC Wednesday link to see what others have
VALIANTLY posted for the letter " V ".

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Barbara said...

What great V words - love the colours in those veg.

Hilary said...

Very well done. I always enjoy the Variety in your images.

Mara said...

That volcano crater is absolutely fantastic. I would love to see that in real life.

Roger Owen Green said...

lot of vertigo so far.
vital, vitamin-filled veggies.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sylvia K said...

Terrific V words for the day!! Love the variety as always! And your photos are superb also as always! The veggies look so yummy! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Gigi Ann said...

Great choices for V day. The picture of the sky reflection in the Volcano is beautiful.

Reader Wil said...

Your so clever at words! Every time I come here I am surprised at your agility with words.I admire you!

mrsnesbitt said...

yes - I am with Barbara - those veg look absolutely wonderful! I love vegetables and have made a lovely vegetable bake for Christmas Day - safe in the freezer now.

Prettypics123 said...

You are so clever. Love those vegies!

Ginny Hartzler said...

All of your pictures are just beautiful and I can't pick a favorite today!

Wanda said...

Oh my those veggies look way too healthy...since I regressed and had a large yummy yeast cinnamon roll for breakfast... I'll do veggies tomorrow.... I promise!!!!

Loved all your pictures Sue... Delightful as always.

Jama said...

Love that vertical view of the Venetian, so beautiful! and those vegetables look so fresh, I want some of them!

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful V photos! I'd have a hard time walking on that variegated floor but I could sure enjoy the vegetables and the Venetion ceiling!

Hildred said...

Wonderful photos, wonderful words. I particularly liked the volcano picture, - and the casino ceiling...

Rune Eide said...

Outstanding quality as usual, but that second photo has a Very definite WOW-factor (or make it VOV for the ooccasion...)

Ingrid said...

Your vegetable look gorgeous ! just wished I could take them over through my screen, lol !

Francisca said...

Valiant, V post for Very sure! You even got in the Volcano! I'll return here if I need to get inspired for the next round! VoV VoV VoV! :-D

Snow Leopard said...

Nice. And you said that this letter was a harder one for you. I wonder what would you create with an easier one. :)

Cheryl said...

Great shots for V. That floor is amazing. I'd fall in a heartbeat.

MaR said...

What great post and shots for V. Love that vertical view!!
V is for...

Kate said...

I particularly enjoy the top photo with the lovely colourful.

I'm starting to post again after me medical "leave of absence." I think I'll wait 'til "A" begins to start this time. I'm still wandering around my new iMac, not knowing what to do!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Stunning colours in this first shot!REally a vibrant post!Well done!

Nanka said...

Lovely V posts from veggies to volcanoes and onto vacations and it sure gives vertigo!!

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Hi, wonderful pictures.. i really liked..

Jay said...

Ooh, that crater lake is gorgeous!! Lucky you! The only crater I climbed (scrambled) up to, was full only of trees. We did see some specatacular butterflies, though!

That tile floor ... wouldn't it be fun in a bar?

LC said...

Delightful, and somewhat dizzying, visuals perfect for the V day.