Monday, November 15, 2010


Its time for ABC Wednesday again and
we are RACING towards the finish line.
This ROOSTER ( or is this a chicken?) was RUNNING around in the parking lot of the zoo.
I think he was REQUESTING that we leave him alone.
to pose for the photo I REQUESTED.

An early morning RENDEZVOUS in Old Sacramento
made me the RECIPIENT of this lovely REFLECTION.
This is the Tower Bridge which RISES above the Sacramento RIVER.

I discovered this RADIANT face in REPOSE at the Embassy Suites in Sacramento.
Her REGAL hairpiece and RESTING, serene and REFINED expression
made me RESPOND by taking her picture.

There is something strangely ROMANTIC about the RED haired lady.
I REALLY don't know the REASON I feel that way.
Perhaps its just a RANDOM thought.
Maybe its because she has patiently RESIDED in the same corner for so long.
Be sure to check out Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar
to see what the REGULARS are READY to post for the letter " R ".
Be sure to ROMP over to the ABC posts and REVIEW the entries.
Okay, I'm finished RAMBLING now.
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Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I think the face in repose and the panicked chicken are my favorites today! We both posted chickens in the same few days, so that would make us REDUNDANT!

AphotoAday said...

I "r"eally like your selection or "r"'s, but "r"eally,
This ROOSTER (or is this a chicken?)
I'm sure you "r"realize both hens and "r"oosters are chickens.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Fabulous - I reckon you have just about covered everything here. A

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the rooster is to funny, he is saying NOOOOO realy loud. the red haired lady is strange and beautiful at the same time. she looks soft to the touch.

Unknown said...

She is beautiful! I love red haired people too. There is something unique about them that is for certain!

LC said...

The rooster is a cute pix until you click on it to enlarge. Then it turns into an amazing photo with vibrant, sharp colors. Loved it!

Barbara said...

Love the red haired lady... great images for R day.

Sylvia K said...

What a great post for the R Day! And, like Anne, I reckon you've about covered everything here! I love it! The rooster definitely started my morning with a giggle and that's always good! Enjoy your day!


Cezar and Léia said...

ADORABLE! You REALLY knows how to play with the letter R, your post is wonderful!
The ROOSTER critter is beautiful!Great portrait!

Nanka said...

Interesting and a good post!! The rooster part made me smile :)

MaR said...

Love your choices for R! particularly the red haired lady ...!

R is for R&R

Carver said...

Great job with the letter R. All good choices and the rooster looked like he was posing for the letter R.

Beverly said...

The bridge is my favorite because it reminds me of my wonderful time with you and Dave. I can't believe how still the water is.

Roger Owen Green said...

At least the rooster kept his head!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Wow! A delightful R post. Love the bridge and the faces are superb. Great photos, as always.

EG CameraGirl said...

Fun read and well illustrated. :)

Leslie: said...

Awesome choices today! Love those ladies and their serene expressions.

Rinkly Rimes said...

A great use of the word R and some lovely shots. The serene lady is quite lovely.

Gigi Ann said...

That was a fun R post today. The reflection Picture is just breathtaking, so beautiful. Rooster, hen, or chicken, it's R day, so it will be a Rooster for a day.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos and comments.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

For sure, this is a post to rave about! Noting but smart, I say, nothing but smart!

VioletSky said...

the rooster is regal. just click to see him in all his radiant glory!

Cildemer said...

Very entertaining post and the pictures are lovely!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy ABC Wednesday****

tsduff said...

I'm pretty pleased with your rooster piccie - wow~ I love chickens :)

LivingSoAbundantly said...

Well done! :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. I love the face of the panicked rooster. Yes, he may be angry too because you're invading his personal space.. Hehe.. Loving this post. =)

And I also like the fourth photo.. the red-haired lady. You're right.. There's something romantic about how she stares into the distance.. Hmm... Interesting.

Anyway, here's mine. Hope you could drop by. =)

Susan Ellis said...

Nice little ramble through the r'd!

Ingrid said...

Nice pictures ! but I can hear the rooster at 4 in the morning, lol !

Oakland Daily Photo said...

This is one intense looking rooster.

magiceye said...

brilliant takes on the theme

Rune Eide said...

"R" is a useful letter :-) , but a Reflection will always win with me!

Reader Wil said...

Stunning rooster and relaxing regal lady! Your photos are going well with the text you wrote.
The reflection is perfect for Weekend Reflections.
Have a great Wednesday.

Mara said...

Of course it's a rooster: chicken doesn't start with R!

jabblog said...

I like them all, particularly the peaceful face.

Merisi said...

Runderful romp! :-)

Francisca said...

Next time I have a hard time thinking of a word for ABC Wed, I think I'll lust come over to you for inspiration! Rad!

Martha said...

The rooster is definitely a chicken, though a chicken need not necessarily be a rooster... It might be a hen instead.

Joy said...

The feather detail in the rooster is terrific. Beautiful blue reflection.

Wanda said...

All great photography, but I think I like the face in repose, and the red haired lady. Very elegant.

Bradley Hsi said...

Greast post for R, you have been amazingly used so many R words.

Rajesh said...

Great, looks like you have covered all of them in 'R'.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Lovely set of R's!!!

Thanks for visiting my ♥ABC Wednesday:R

Mike's Travels said...

That reflection is like glass! Amazing :) Have a great weekend :)

Jay at The Depp Effect said...

What a great selection of Rs!! I love those serene looking ladies - and reflections of that quality are always nice.

AVCr8teur said...

I've always enjoyed that Old Sacramento bridge. Nice reflections too.

Beverley Baird said...

Loved your romp through Rs! The rooster at the top really reminded me of when we raised chickens - I still have the scars!
Great post for the week!

Dave said...

I specially liked your river and bridge photo Sue - Dave