Monday, November 08, 2010


Welcome to ABC Wednesday. This weeks letter is " Q ".
Again I was in a QUANDRY
and was wondering what would QUALIFY to define " Q ".
That was QUITE the QUESTION.
Then we drove by this sign.
I knew then I could QUASH my fears for the letter " Q ".
The QUESTION Mark was perfect.
I had no QUALMS about that.

Sunday we had a not so QUICK rain storm.
It rained all day and QUITE hard at times.
I thought it was going to turn the yard into a QUAGMIRE.
When the rain QUENCHED the parched earth
it turned the plants into QUIESCENT QUARTZ or diamonds.

These aren't QUAKING Aspen leaves
but they do QUALIFY as being Fall leaves.
You can't QUARREL with that.
They are the QUINTESSENCE example.

I suggest you don't QUAFF this drink.
Perhaps a QUACK made the cocktail.
It would make you feel QUEASY since it is made of resin.
Keep it on the Q T.
Its a QUASI Martini .
So be QUICK and get in the QUEUE
to see what others have posted for the letter " Q ".
If you have a QUERY go to Mrs. Nesbitt's link on my sidebar.
Just don't QUIBBLE about it.
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Olivier said...

belle photo en b&w des feuilles.

magiceye said...

wonderful quality takes on the theme!!

MedaM said...

Beautiful photos followed by such a rich vocabulary as usual! If only I were able to learn all these words by heart, including those from your earlier posts, my English would be excellent. :-)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Great job - I'm lovin' that BW image.... amazing.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

wow! you come up with lots of Q right there! :)

My ABC Wednesday

MaR said...

Delightful reading for the letter Q!! and beautiful shots.
Q is for...

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love it!!! What a great post for the Q Day! Your photos are fabulous and your array of Qs is awesome and such a fun read! Hope your week is off to a great start!


Wanda said...

Oh I'm "queasy" just reading that long and fabulous array of Q's !!

Sue you are just the most clever ABC Wed. I know. Love your take each week!!

Reader Wil said...

It's a nice and very inventive story! For you no queue to quaint! Thanks for your visit and kind comment.

Ginny Hartzler said...

QUITE funny and strange! What's up with the big QUESTION mark? Do they think there may be no hope, after all? That would make me QUITE sad!

jabblog said...

Very clever - and I wonder how many people are taken in by the fake Martinis?

Gigi Ann said...

Lovely photos, and a cute take on all the Q words you worked into your story. Loved it.

Mara said...

So, were they not sure whether Hope Valley was there and that's why they put the question mark on the sign?

Barbara said...

Beautiful images - love the b&w.

Carver said...

What a great job with the letter Q. This qualifies as quite a success. The drink looks tasty enough to quench my thirst.

Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

A Quality post indeed!

Jane Hards Photography said...

So many and varied q's. Love the balck and white image, leaves and raindrops.

Amy said...

Such a clever post Sue - I haven't heard most of those "q" words in years!

Kay L. Davies said...

Resin quasi-martinis. My kind of martini. No calories, no alcohol. Well, maybe a few calories from the olive.
Excellent post for Q day.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh my goodness! You may have used half the Q words in the dictionary. :)

Prettypics123 said...

You are smart! And I see you listed as a blog that people are following all over the place! I think you may be onto something! Take care.

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh the quaff quote made me smile! A long story but very quaffable! lol!

ABC Team

Jama said...

You sure have a big collection of Q words!

Roger Owen Green said...

need to quaff a quick one, now that you mention it. great quantity and quality of Qs.
ROG, ABC Wednesday

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful, wonderful! Absolutely love your narrative!

Gayle said...

I'm still trying to figure out the question mark in the first picture.. Nevertheless, you sure came up with a grand selection of "Q" words. (and pics)

Rajesh said...

Amazing. Looks like you got all of them.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Ah, yes! Yet another brilliantly done post! Images and quotes to go with it!
You rock!

Dave said...

You filled in the 'q's very well Sue. - Dave

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow you play so well with the letter Q, congratulations!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did quite well with your quality photos and who knew there were that many words starting with Q? not me.
the leave is beautiful and the sign is perfec. now I am tryingg to figure out what the quesion mark means. is it questional there is hope in the valley, questioanl where the arrow points? the question is what is the question.

Gordon said...

A mammoth effort! So many Q's.

LisaF said...

Love the autumn shots, especially the black and white one. But the Quasi martini is the one that made me laugh!

Kerri Farley said...

Quite a good post using Q!

Francisca said...

What a quintessential Q post!! :-D

Shammickite said...

I think you must open your dictionary at Q and then just write to post to fit!!!! Graet post.
And I wonder what that Question Mark was pointing to?

Joy said...

Is that feet to the bottom and hope to arrive in one piece. Intriguing sign. Love your B&W photo.

Mrs. Me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AphotoAday said...

Love and laughed at that first photo -- a question mark, as in "is there any hope?"

Cildemer said...

Loved your post! A great job you've done!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice day****

Beverley Baird said...

What an impressive array of Q words! Great story as usual!

AVCr8teur said...

A quadrillion qualifying Q's to make you the qwerty quipster queen.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. :D

jay said...

Bravo! I think yours qualifies as the post with the most - Qs, that is!

Love the photo of the leaves, too!

kc bob said...

Great pics!

Bradley Hsi said...

These are just too many "Q" for me!!! Have a nice weekend.

Claudeen said...

This post wins. I love how I'm expanding my vocabulary on "Q" words.

Kate said...

Hi Sue! You may not know but i had shoulder surgery aweek ago. sssssssssuurgery successful but not a walk in the park. My computer crashed a d i am locked out of my gmail acct.Temporarily i am using: til i get another computer. one thing at a time! using a library now but typing with one finger is slow. i won't comment but i will visit often. Kate, st paul.

Unknown said...

Oh my word! I missed this fabulous post and I have NO idea how I did. I absolutely LOVE these pictures. Gorgeous!