Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Hope Valley has POSITIVELY the most PLEASANT
I call this PHOTO ... " Stairway to PARADISE. "
As with all my PICTURES, be sure to enlarge them to get the full benefit.

This is the last of the POMEGRANATES on our tree.
The unusual thing about this POMEGRANATE is the POSITION of the stem.
Most of the fruit hangs with the stem on the opposite end as the flower.

Fence POSTS always seem to grab my attention.
Someone PAINSTAKINGLY PRODUCED them years ago.
The Fall PALETTE PAINTS a POTPOURRI of tans and yellows against the foggy morning sky.
PEACEFUL, isn't it?

Why its my PIGGY log!
Use your imagination to see (P)unny hunk of wood.
PERHAPS its difficult to PRETEND its a PIG.
I won't be PERSNICKETY and go on with useless PALAVER over it.
Now you have had a PEEK into how my mind operates.
PLEASE PROCEED to Mrs. Nesbitts link on my sidebar to see what others have POSTED for the letter " P ".

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Cezar and Léia said...

Wow a positive post for sure, your choices for this theme are perfect!
And your pictures are also beautiful!Great work!

Hilary said...

Perfectly pleasing pictures. Piggy is priceless!

Leslie: said...

I SEE THE PIGGY! Phantastic post with a plethora of P words! What phun for today! :D

Sara Katt said...

Beautiful images! You show what is strange and wonderful about fall.

Thank you for visiting my P-post.
Sara Cat

Olivier said...

encore une belle serie de photos, j'aime beaucoup le chemin de pierre

Sylvia K said...

A Perfect Pile of Pretty, Pleasing Pictures and a Positive Post for the P Day! I love them! What fun! And so clever! Hope your week is going well!


MadSnapper said...

you rate a big Phenomenal for this Post! the steps are magnificent, i want to see them and walk up them.
the Piggy log is something else. love it

Penelope Notes said...

All your photos are perfectly lovely! The steps particularly caught my attention because their destination is uncertain and mysterious.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Perfection - wonderful pictures. I saw the piggy too.

Gigi Ann said...

I love your P Post today. Such a variety of P's and Pigs. I do see the Pig in the Pig log. Very creative P day today.

Reader Wil said...

Very beautiful photos! I enlarged them and found them stunning.

Amy said...

Sue, I can see the piggy! I love this post for many reasons - your photography is fantastic as always.

Am catching up - thanks for your comments lately! Your turkey shot was awesome too.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a beautiful post and photos to go with it! I am envious of your having pomegranates!
Really loved that fence post too...

Mara said...

I saw the piggy!! Yeah! Great P.

Wanda said...

Oh these are so good. Every week you just keep me so interested in each of the pictures you post.

I love your piggy log...

The stairway to Paradise is one I'd like to walk.

HaHaHa.... I'm posting my poms that you gave me a Tahoe!!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I see the piggy! How cute.
And what a perfect P post, including pfence posts, too. But that pomegranate is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Wow.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Jane Hards Photography said...

I lingered too long on the pomegranate. So gorgeous.

Carver said...

Wonderful post for the letter P. So much beauty in your world.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful collection of Ps. I wondered about the pomegranate! I have never seen them growing before but it still looked strange, dunno why. :)

MedaM said...

Wonderful series of photos. I enjoyed them all especially when I enlarged them.

larkswing said...

Oink, Oink - what a likeness! I have decided that if it were possible, I would plan the perfect peaceful spot using all your pictures, I want these steps, and the stones in previous post, and the picket (sorta picket) fence and forget the house, can I have just that wonderful cabin from a week or so ago? running water and power would be nice, but with all your wonder pic ideas in place, it would be utopia!

Beverly said...

You are so clever in your descriptions of you photos! I love the one of the fence.

Anonymous said...

Autumn essence - very well done. Please have a wonderful Wednesday.

daily athens

Roger Owen Green said...

even before you stated it, I SAW the pig in the log!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Maria's Space said...

Very beautiful post with P's.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love the pomegranate. Didn't know how it was attached to the tree. Quite unique.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots and fantastic choice of words.

Gayle said...

As one who lives by the ocean where palm trees are the norm, I'm SO envious of the surroundings in the first picture. I'd love to take a walk up those steps to see what lays beyond.

Tumblewords: said...

That's a strange pomegranate for sure! Love the stairway - it's magical and the fence posts and piggy log is perfectly fun!

agreenearth said...

Love your photos especially the pomegranate. Sorry it is the last one for season. But lots more next year.

Pat said...

Your piggy log is GREAT! I didn't know that about pomegranates....

Halie said...

perfect photos!

Love the piggy log! It's sooooooo cute!

If you have time, do drop by:

My Entry

Francisca said...

Perfect P Post. :-D

Sara Katt said...

I forgot my link!
Sara Cat

For the benefit of other readers:
Sara Cat's abcWED-round-7-P

Shammickite said...

Another very imaginative post from you, Sue! I adore that piggy.

Martha said...

Definitely a piggy log. I see it perfectly. :)

Your pictures are perfect even if the pomegranate isn't.

Dani said...

perfect! So pretty. My fave is pomegranate.

Thank you

Unknown said...

Oh, wow! These shots are just so nice. I love California. Could easily live there and feel at home.
Thanks for your visit!

My ABC Wednesday

Joy said...

The stairs are magical, the falling leaves are lovely at the moment. The curious pomegranate, fascinating, I only see them in shops. Great captures.

Mike's Travels said...

Just beautiful. I thought the first one looked like a French Impressionist painting and had to click to make sure. Perfect capture.

LisaF said...

What a great array of P words for the day! Had to work at seeing the pig but had fun figuring it out.

jabblog said...

Great photos! I like the stairway to paradise and the oddly growing pomegranate and the piggy log, too:-)

Dawning Inspiration said...

You always do such a great job with the alpha photos - love the path and the pomegranate!

TheChieftess said...

some wonderful and varied shots here...the pomegranate is quite unusual...and I love the steps and the fence...and I saw the pig right off!!!!

Dave said...

Nice photos Sue - Dave

Phil said...

I love the fence posts picture. Very atmospheric