Today's letter is " N ".
The first photo is in honor of NEWBORN puppies.
Our "Granddogger" NAMED Snickerdoodle gave birth
to NINE NIMBLE little Labradoodles three days ago.
Everything is NORMAL and our Granddaughters will be
able to visit the breeder's home
NUMEROUS times while the puppies are still NURSING.
When the puppies are old enough they will be sold and Snicker will finally come back home .
I call this photo "NATURE'S carpet".
The yellow aspen leaves are so NUMEROUS they seem like a carpet blanketing the ground.
It was pure NIRVANA to see.
Be sure to ENLARGE all of the pictures to see the detail.
The NOBLE fir and pine trees frame the water as it
NAVIGATES the NOOKS and crannys of the NATURAL spillway.
Lava and glacial activity created this scenery constantly both NIGHT and day.
NOTE the depth of the waterfall when its enlarged.
Technically NOT the greatest picture but it certainly has alot of " N " words.
NINE times!!!
NOW use your NATTY NOODLE and see what's NEW on our fellow bloggers sites for the letter N.
NAVIGATE your cursor to Mrs. NESBITTS link on my sidebar.
Very nice photos. Greetings from Spain .
I think I could sit by the waterfall for hours and never grow tired of watching. Great captures this week.
Love the doggies - all the pics enjoyable! Have a great day!
Love the new puppies photo...
You path picture looks like my path picture....Tahoe, here we come!!!
I love how you incorporate so many words with the letter of the week.
That sign is so forbidding, isn't it.
I'm glad that sign didn't say no to your photography :-)
Love the doggies and that gorgeous waterfall! Great shots and words for the N Day! Hope your week is going well.
Love the bronze of the puppies and hoping we will see some pics of the labradoodles.
Lovely fun post. Enjoyed reading and the pictures were gorgeous!! Matched your words perfectly..
Snickerdoodle the Labradoodle. Now there's a mouthful! I love it when the colorful leaves make a carpet under the tree. It's almost as pretty as when they're on the tree itself. The waterway is a delightful capture and running across that sign just in time for N-day was perfect timing.
Boy, that one picture is chock full of things NOT to do! What a drag!
My favorite is the natural waterfalls!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
That spillway is spectacular!
Cool pictures for this N letter, mainly the first one, the sculpture and the idea about is adorable!I also like the funny oh NOOOOOO sign , that last one!
LOVE it! Especially the last photo with all the NOs...have a great week! :D
Lovely images - look forward to seeing the puppies!
Great take on the letter N. The dogs are great and also wonderful shots from nature.
Congratulations on the new puppies. I bet you miss Snickerdoodle. Lovely photos of nature's carpet and I LOVE the water photo.
"Natty noodle" - Sue that's hilarious. Happy that your granddoggies are healthy and that photo of the aspen grove is really lovely.
I know those dogs are a statue, but it looks like it's made of chocolate. Beautiful colour! And how great to be a great grand dog whatyemecallit. I hope all pups will do fine.
Waterfalls are some of my favorite nature scenes - spectacular photos. A pleasure to see them all - I'll bet the puppies are adorable.
Nicely done, Sue. Congrats on the great grandpups. :)
I love the waterfalls picture. I think they are so relaxing to watch, can't get enough of looking at them, just beautiful.
Nirvana. Such a nice word, and it even sounds nice too! Here's mine
Nature's carpet. I love it. Love it so much. And congratulations on your new granddoggy : ) I know you will be the best grandparents EVER to the baby : )
I love all these pictures!! But none of the new puppies?
Amazing blue waterfalls, love the carpet of leaves and the thought of a collection of adorable Labradoodles.
That nature walk just draws me in.
nature's carpet is it..
My ABC Wednesday here
Wonderful shots. The sculpture of dog and the puppies is superb.
Oh my, what a lot of puppies, - they really look as if they are dipped in chocolate. Great N's!
Beautiful captures!
Lots and lots of N words! Beautiful photos.
And Labradoodle puppies, how wonderful.
Kay, Alberta
Neat!! adorable puppies.
Happy Wednesday!
I love that first photo. What a great idea to create that. Your waterfall photo is especially beautiful. Your posts are always so interesting.
Lovely photos! Does the sign with the no's mean that you can't do anything? Not even walk?
That's a beautiful Waterfalls too.
Your dog and pups look like statues! I specially liked your waterfall photo Sue - Dave
Beautiful landscapes and the sculpture is full of life.
Beautiful Autumn carpet! Looking forward to more fall colours :)
Nine puppies - how delightful!
The carpet of leaves is wonderful and I can imagine the roar of that waterfall - quite lovely.
Oh gosh, I love the dog sculpture! I visited eight little greyhound pups recently and they are just soooo cute! Their noses are short at only a few weeks old, which looks very strange!
I love the "No no no no no" sign! I'd have taken a photo, too!
What a great post on N! Love the sculpture of the pups and mom. Great photos!
Whave a wonderful weekend!
Terrific! I love your clever approach to the photos. The No sign is so engaging! If I were going to push my photos up a level, what would you recommend I do? Levonne's Pretty Pics
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