For some strange reason I like this shot of the Calla Lilly insides.
To me it looks like it was drawn with pastel chalk.
Have a great weekend everyone.
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
that would fit in with Scott's Phun Phriday (finding another view) shots!! He'd love it if you posted there!
Our Calla Lilly's are just starting to open - can't wait til they do!
too cool!!!!!!
safe weekend!
Definitely an awesome shot!
Great shot! Looks so creamy and rich!
yeah this is really nice!
have a good weekend!
Well, this one you definitely gets my highest award -- Ten Points and a Gold Star.
It looks like a flower, but then again it does NOT. i like the way it swirls, maybe it is an alien flower? I like it to
This is very creative. I love that it looks like a painting. It's beautiful!
(I just realized this will post as from your grandaughter, but it's your daughter :o))
A very interesting perspective. I really like the composition you chose!
Stunning image, reminiscent of Georgia O'Keefe's cally lilly paintings!
This~Is~Stunning LOVE it!!
looks very smooth
So pretty. I love flower closeups.
Not strange at all. It's a wonderful shot. You've captured the delicate shading Nature's paintbrush is capable of. Nicely done. :)
It does look like that was drawn. Neat shot.
Love the colours in this shot. Just like a painting. But I thought calla liles are red? Or is that canna lilies?
It doees look like a chalk drawing... and very beautiful. I saw your post on Wanda's blog, and as a fellow photographer decided to check you out. I'm glad I did.
Stunning photo, just stunning!
God's beautiful world captured by a photobe not a photowannabe. Envious of way you captured the whites.
very impressive!
Stunning. I am glad you played around with that. It looks like art.
Indeed, very lovely texture.
Oh, I love this, I love this very much.:-)
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